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  1. J

    PLEASE HELP! Fan leaves are clawing and turning yellow.

    Oh the new growth is starting to look light green/yellowish as well.
  2. J

    PLEASE HELP! Fan leaves are clawing and turning yellow.

    Alright I did a rez flush until there was only around 100 ppm in the runoff water of my rockwool's. Then made a fresh rez at 3/4 strength. The leaves that were clawed are now progressing to turn more yellow and the dark spots became more apparent rust spots. Trying to get some pics up, but...
  3. J

    PLEASE HELP! Fan leaves are clawing and turning yellow.

    Anybody have/had similar problems?
  4. J

    PLEASE HELP! Fan leaves are clawing and turning yellow.

    Forgot to add my temps are 72-82 F, runoff ph 6.0-6.3, and rez ph 5.8-6.1. I'm going to flush soon as I'm done typing this. What to do next?
  5. J

    PLEASE HELP! Fan leaves are clawing and turning yellow.

    ^^^ Damn never knew that...good looking out man!
  6. J

    PLEASE HELP! Fan leaves are clawing and turning yellow.

    Can't get any clear pics with my iPhone cuz the HPS leaves a black grid on the pics. You think it could be nute burn? I don't have any burnt tips on any leaves on any plants though? On the very few leaves that are clawing and turning yellow there is like 1 very small rust spot. I'm using...
  7. J

    PLEASE HELP! Fan leaves are clawing and turning yellow.

    Thanks for the quick responses! @ mistaphuck I didn't switch over to 12/12 yet so I think it's a deficiency. @ Grizzdude so you think I should just add more Gro or Micro? Also on the plant that has it the worst I noticed the new shoot growing from the top is light green/yellowish unlike all the...
  8. J

    PLEASE HELP! Fan leaves are clawing and turning yellow.

    So I'm 3 1/2 weeks into veg. w/ clones from a local dispensary. I'm running Purple Kush in 6" Grodan rockwool's in an ebb and flow system w/ 40 gallon rez and 1000 watt HPS 3 ft. from the top of the canopy. I'm using RO water w/ GH 3 part mix at 3/4 strength, CalMag at 1 tsp. per gallon, and 1...
  9. J

    Purple Kush Report

    Got a tray full of PK clones from Harborside Oakland a week ago. I'll get some pics up as they start growing.
  10. J

    Asthma, Allergy and other Respritory Patients

    Good looking out on the link man! Do you seem to be able to breathe better after you toke?
  11. J

    Moving to Cali, but where?

    Ain't no place like the Bay Area! Cost of living is a mothafucka though so it depends on your lifestyle. Only other place I would live in CA is San Diego, but I got love for the whole state.
  12. J

    Going To San Francisco,Where Should I Get Clones?

    Never bought any clones in SF, but Harborside in Oakland usually has a wide variety of strains available. All the clones I've bought from Harborside Oakland and Harborside San Jose have been successful grows.
  13. J

    Soft water.

    Thanks for the info doc! I would be able to tell when the membranes are going out when the PPM's in the RO water go up I guess?
  14. J

    Soft water.

    What if you have a water softener, but use an RO filter is that ok? I have a water softener and get 10-20 ppm out of the filter is this ok for my plants?