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  1. P

    Reusing soil?

    Someone told me that you can pour lots of boiling hot water through the soil while it is still in the pot/container. Does this really work?
  2. P

    Reusing soil?

    I have a lot of soil and don't really feel like getting rid of all of it and buying all new soil. Is there a way to chop down one crop and then use the same soil for the next crop? Can you clean the soil or something?
  3. P


    Could someone please be more specific about getting rid of fungus gnats? I don't have any experience with insecticides or anything like that. Which ones are good for gnats? How do you use it?
  4. P


    I think I have fungus gnats also. When I check on my plants I notice a few flying around that I kill with my hands. But then when I stir up some moist soil near the plants I can see tons of them crawling around because they aren't big enough to fly yet. So the question is: How the hell do...