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  1. C

    im going to do dxm

    Haha, glad to hear it. I don't particularly like DXM (it's really rough on my body), but glad to hear you had fun with it.
  2. C

    im going to do dxm

    You did it at work? :/ How was it?
  3. C

    im going to do dxm

    150mg? That seems like a low amount. You'll just have a drunk/body high feeling, I doubt any dissociation will happen at 150mg. If you don't have any adverse effects from your 150mg experience, try bumping your dose. A common dose is 200-400mg.
  4. C


    Are there any OEVs with 4-ho-mipt? How was the comedown?
  5. C

    I Just Bought Mephedrone

    Err, I kinda forgot to update in this thread, but I had great success! There are still suppliers in the US. :)
  6. C

    I Just Bought Mephedrone

    I found one, but no pms privileges for me yet. I will update when I get my order.
  7. C

    Smoking Amanitas

    Heat breaks down the hallucinogenic compounds in mushrooms after a certain period of time, but vaporizing with low heat will work.
  8. C

    how to get the most out of your roll

    It's all about set and setting. You'll roll face if you are in the right environment with the right people. Having good pills is important too, obviously. A tried-and-true dosing routine: Eat one, wait an hour, eat another. Two-three hours later, if you want to keep rolling for another 4+...
  9. C

    Thanks, I'll see what I can do. See you around! :3

    Thanks, I'll see what I can do. See you around! :3
  10. C

    I Just Bought Mephedrone

    It seems like all the mephedrone supplier sites have closed. At least, the ones I know of....Are people still finding sources? I almost ordered from a new one, but have found posts on another forum saying it was a scam. It's easy to find more sites, but they seem to all have bad reviews.
  11. C

    Hello, I'm new around here...I saw your post about ordering from a US-based mephedrone supplier...

    Hello, I'm new around here...I saw your post about ordering from a US-based mephedrone supplier. My suppliers are all gone now....And I have been searching for another. Is your supplier still in business?
  12. C

    Hey, I'm new. I see that you know of some reputable vendors, could you pm me? I'm looking for...

    Hey, I'm new. I see that you know of some reputable vendors, could you pm me? I'm looking for a mephedrone vendor that ships to the US. I have been searching for months, and have only found closed/scam sites. I'd really appreciate your time. Thank you!
  13. C

    Hey, I'm new. I see that you know of some reputable vendors, could you pm me? I'm looking for...

    Hey, I'm new. I see that you know of some reputable vendors, could you pm me? I'm looking for a mephedrone vendor that ships to the US, and if you could, please tell me who your preferred RC vendor is. I have been searching for months, and have only found closed/scam sites. I'd really...
  14. C

    Hi :3

    I've been doing some research on hallucinogens and entactogens, and this website came up with some really helpful threads. I'll be doing more reading than posting, so thought I'd make my presence known here (and not be such a creeper :P). So, thanks posters for all the great info on these...