yea i told him i have a recomendation but he was like he can get fined and some b/s whatever though. i have no lights so what should i do i think ima ignore him and leave it outside but i need to know how long before i can harvest
im growing this outside my porch but unfortunately my landlord seen it so he asked me to remove it is there anyways i can finish it off inside my hjouse it looks like it have a couple more weeks to go what do u guys think? what should i do? and how much longer u think it will be before i can...
it doesnt get that hot here. but its at a spot that is really sunny all day. i water it every other day or two when i c its a lil dry but around noon till like 4 or five the plant looks bad but towards sun set it looks cool
she gets alot of sunlight where i have her ill see if i can move her some where else ima start feeding her miracle grow ill post up more pics as she grows thanks alot
so miracle grow works i was putting it at first but i stopped wasnt sure if it was helping it, how mnuch should i put and how many times a week. thanks ahead mr sativa
really weird how some days it looks great other days it looks sad. im not sure if where i have it might be an issue cause perhaps alot of sunlight hits it
my plant looks sad and it has yellow spots on it plus it has some rounded thorn looking things growing out the bottom stem and the bottom leaves are turning yellow. i water them every other day, im just letting them grow naturally, its been like three months since i planted it.