im using flouros and i love the fact they dont use much electricity and the fact they don't give off much heat but im curious of the correct wattage right now my step up is a 35 watt desert uvb fluorescent light and a grow light which is also fluorescent and is 75 watts.
this is a six week old plant its a female i began sexing it early im using flourecents and sunlight to grow it at first i used miracle grow potting mix and mixed it with more ferts by accident idk if thats whats causing all this shiny leaf up curling and wilting yesterday i replanted in soil...
i ran water through the root system in order to detach all the old soil with the nutes in it and used soil with no nutes all organic hopefully this will solve my problem i also water the plant with a small amount of epsom salt and water as well
you really dont think that a fluorescent grow light and that lizard light wont work i keep that plant really close to the lights and both lights put out about 600 nm which is good for flowering and the vegetative stage i thought
for a while i was just using that lizard light now im using the lizard light and a fluorescent grow light i just bought yesterday i will use the epsom salt i picked up the other day i really appreciate all this advice . how positive are you that it is root rot
im also using growing this using a l fluorescent grow lights to of them one is a desert uvb used for lizard tanks and the other is a regular fluorescent grow light i bought
hey guys i really appreciate the help i honestly thought no one would see this or answer i have a picture which i will attach to this but i'm using a mixture of organic potting soil with a combination of eco grow organic ferts mixed in with the soil. i thought it was a nute deficiency so i went...
my plants about 6 weeks old it was doing very up untill a few days ago when the top leaves started turning very shiny and dark green. this eventually led to the up curling of my leaves they are somewhat starting to twist now a little im very concerned i used a seed out of a bad and it turned out...