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  1. elfspice

    morning glories

    Yes seed packs are usually around 2-2.5g. So 6 packs would be around 12g or more. Its a reasonable amount to take, I recommend at least 5g if you want CEV's and a good headspace.
  2. elfspice

    how much dmt is too much?

    I agree completely. I have personally mixed reversible maois and most of the no no's listed with non-reversible varieties to no ill effect. These are things like aged meats and cheeses, chocolate and alcohol. I wanted to experiment with the traditional ayahuasca diet and found that eating these...
  3. elfspice

    morning glories

    No typo or fib. Check erowids experience vault, many people have taken 10g+. That is what is listed for a "heavy" dose. And if you want open eye visual with morning glory you really have to go on the heavy side. I can't stress enough how important it is to finely ground the seeds. This will...
  4. elfspice

    morning glories

    Two more psychedelic varieties are pearly gates and otts. For those weak of stomache or just looking for a more mellow trip I'd recommend a simple acidified water extraction. Just put powdered morning glory seeds in a tea bag, you can just rip open any old one and restaple it. Soak the tea bag...
  5. elfspice

    how much dmt is too much?

    Fun times! On missions such as those it usually take me 30 minutes at least until I come back to myself. I recommend you have a friend there to grab the pipe, because you can and will eventually drop it. Are you speaking of syrian rue extract? You would need to take much less of pure harmine...
  6. elfspice

    buying $75 of shrooms tomarow

    Don't I know it! The spores are legal in most states but even mycellium is not. Not to mention the jail time for a shroom operation in the states compared to Canada. Its easy to see why we get them cheaper up north. We can also legally buy already colonized mycellium which makes grow time less...
  7. elfspice

    Kramton (from a head shop, boring report)

    Kratom is good stuff. Though a head shop would rip you off, and probably not have the best quality. It reminds me of a head shop around here that is selling powdered mimosa hostilis. He was selling 5g baggies for 40$. Not to mention he didnt even know what ayahuasca is. Some owners just see this...
  8. elfspice

    buying $75 of shrooms tomarow

    You must not be from the States :) Oregon and Washington are on the West coast, Florida is on the east though so you are 1 for 3. Spore syringes are legal in most states. I think the only exceptions are California, idaho, and georgia where they are illegal. I'd guess the people getting the...
  9. elfspice

    how much dmt is too much?

    I would wait around 30mins. There isnt a real tolerance to DMT. You need to get tons of smoke in you all in one go to get past the brains defense mechanisms but that isnt a true tolerance like you see with other tryptamines. So if you dont get to where you want to go wait a little while then try...
  10. elfspice

    First time with lsd

    In a dream I once had: I put my current batch under blacklight last night. No glow action though, its on white on white unperfed, and reacts no more than normal white paper. No bitter taste though. I've tried it 6 or 7 times now and the duration is 7-9ish hours like you would expect. Potent too...
  11. elfspice

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    no it isn't LHG, but since you referenced a board: PIP is the one im talking about.
  12. elfspice

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    Is it acceptable to post here a board I found that specializes in rating RC websites?
  13. elfspice

    First time with lsd

    I'm going to have to test the black light theory. I know I could judge the potency of my LSA extractions by seeing how much they would glow under black lights. On the other hand it would be quite easy to brush some clear uv reactant paint or dye on blotter. I agree that acid doesn't give me...
  14. elfspice

    First time with lsd

    I agree with the one tab recommendation, but you should wait at least 2 hours before taking more. Waiting 3 1/2 hours is what I'd recommend. I say that long because the only substance I've come across sold as LSD is DOB. From my understanding of online research and what ive been told by fellow...
  15. elfspice

    Good songs to get blazed to!

    Some typical Favs: Brewer & Shipley - One Toke The Line Afroman - Because I got HIGH Lately I've been listening to Gorillaz - Plastic Beach and the new MGMT album, its nice to just be able to put on an album where every song is great, im a lazy pot head.
  16. elfspice

    What To Add Compost Tea?

    Some free choices you could use are: Nettles (most any especially common stinging nettle), comfrey, dandelions and diluted urine :) Thats what I've always used, but then for my organic gardening I don't like to buy store bought ingredients. Greensand is probably the most recommended, and a...
  17. elfspice

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    Does anyone have an invite for that site? I've tracked down a few suppliers that I'd love to check before ordering. I was scammed last month and would like to report the site there as well. I do believe this is a site that many have confirmed legit, it was recommended to me by someone who...
  18. elfspice

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    It all depends on the nature of his "condition." I agree that taking 2c-i on a regular basis wouldn't magically cure you, but then no chemical substance can. I find that psychedelics are a good way to alter your brain chemistry. To get you out of a funk, or to push you further into one. It...
  19. elfspice


    I've been coming to this board for some really good information put here by all you good people, I think now might be the time to contribute some of my own expertise :) I'm currently living in Toronto, Ontario and am very sad I no longer get to tend my beautiful plant friends :( Oooh well i...