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  1. P


    I disagree with your thoughts on where they are in terms of progression. I think this is a step forward again, but into more bluesy-rock territory, which is where Dustin seems comfortable. I like that though.
  2. P

    Anyone dig the blues?

    Very nice. I might of added some slight chordal variation in the guitar part especially during the intro. It get's repetitive. Easy to fix. Nice song.
  3. P

    Addicted To Porn?

    Maybe you talk to some one about this. It is actually an addiction. but this can cause a baby also. and u are young for that. may be you should get a block for porn and hang out with friends that do not wanna have sex you.
  4. P

    The Afterlife

    Very fact that we are talking to live on the internet and a proof in itself, considering how big the universe is the existence of aliens, and considering there are billions of galaxies.