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  1. C

    Sagging Leaves

    Ya this was my first time & they were given to me. On the up side the small one is a clone & should be a female but the big one was looking good to me anyway. Live & Learn I guess.....Thanks for the advise
  2. C

    Sagging Leaves

    I have them about 60 feet apart now with the male on the ground & the female on the deck about 6 feet in the air but I think I will just dump the male...Thanks again for your help. You may have saved me one
  3. C

    Sagging Leaves

    Man that's dissapointing....Oh Well
  4. C

    Sagging Leaves

    Ok Thanks............
  5. C

    Sagging Leaves

    This is my other one
  6. C

    Sagging Leaves

    I have one other one ......will the male hurt that
  7. C

    Sagging Leaves

    Males are no good...Am I right
  8. C

    Sagging Leaves

    That would can I tell....I will get a close up pick & post it
  9. C

    Sagging Leaves

    Ok Thanks for the help
  10. C

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi guys thanks for having me. I am growing a couple of plants on my back deck just to see if I like a great site you have here & I am looking forward to being a part of this site...Thanks again
  11. C

    Sagging Leaves

    Okay I watered these with some miracle grow a couple hours ago & it seems to be coming around. How often should I water.. I bring it in the house every night
  12. C

    Sagging Leaves

    I'll try and post pics if I can figure out
  13. C

    Sagging Leaves

    thanks could be over watering.I have been watering every other day. No they are sagging....thanks
  14. C

    Sagging Leaves

    I am growing a plant on my back deck...everything was going fine & now all of a sudden the leaves are all sagging.happened overnight....any ideas ?