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  1. 1

    Seasoned Growers/Moderators plaese post this in the most appropriate section

    Thank you very much, efforts appreciated, I actually found the exact "tall order" of info I needed at another site ( I am not bashing RUI in anyway here, I love the info here) I feel bad posting a link, but it is for the community International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide...
  2. 1

    Seasoned Growers/Moderators plaese post this in the most appropriate section

    I understand that I BEG, not ask, for a tall order to be filled, and am grateful for all info provided, but thought it would solve many more questions if answered correctly and posted ( and I know this may seem arrogant, but...) to the FAQ's and save the moderaters some time to attend to...
  3. 1

    Seasoned Growers/Moderators plaese post this in the most appropriate section

    I don't know where to post this question as it fits many topics. When dealing with supplement problems, specifically deficencies ( ie, nitrogen,magnesium, zinc, etc), what organic (or maybe not) readily available household items may fix these shortcomings? The already explained are epsom salts...
  4. 1

    Biology lesson.

    Great thread!!! If it remains civil, this will be the first I remain subsricribed to. The level of intelligence and information is truly appreciated by those " less in the know", even though I have few posts.
  5. 1

    How do you mature a plant in 5 weeks again?

    swisher, that was a mean answer. If you don't know, don't post. I don't remember the exact post, but it had to do with basing your day on a 18 or 20 hr period so that eventually you would generate enough shortened cycles to excellerate your timing ( indoors only), seemed way to intensive for me...
  6. 1

    Hello All

    thanks Widow, appreciate the welcome. Not so much scared as a cautious type. Also many questions can and have been answered, just need to search a little, i'm enjoying the input registered to the comments/questions and applying as I go. ( a feel type thing going on there) I've come up with a few...
  7. 1

    Tell me everything about LSD.

    can be dangerous, to both mental and physical health ( especially if old, or cut with garbage). Fisrt time should be with experienced, genuine, intelligent friends. ( Not the kind that may lead you into stupidity) But if in correct setting, without abuse, can be quite enlightening. But be...
  8. 1

    Black Domina 10th week flowering ?

    radioshack, 10bucks
  9. 1

    Can anyone help me on the strain?

    looking very indica, and a touch of nute burn. Strain is way over my head.
  10. 1

    Hello All

    You guys/ girls are allright. Keep up the good work. Peace, love, and much happiness