yeah bad news, had one blueberry break on me today, and then i guess i had a power outage which f**ked up my aeroponics, woke up roots were dryer than grandmas..well you get the point..looks like imgoing to start 4-6 large mothers in soil so that way, i have alot of room for error and retries :)
Hello everyone, well for the past 3 weeks ive had my plants in the vege stage. I have them in an aeroponic system with suspended roots, sprayed with ez-clone 360degree sprayers, for 1min on/5min off. i have the pH at a steady 5.8 with the nutes going from a little under 1k in the first week...
hey i had a couple questions for ya, i saw that you were growing in a garage and wanted to know a few specifics such as humidity/ventilation and such. thanks