so being curious i just took some tweezers and examined one of the "dots" and mr mountain high i believe you are correct, the ball appears shiny, and also appears to have almost what looks like threading or fibers coming out of either end as if it had been pulled from something. then when i...
so why werent the spots there before? will they only show once soaked? When i soaked them i didn't see any spots, I didn't notice them until this morning. And it seems very inconsistent amongst the cubes. I did use Grodan cubes. I will try and take pics and post them so you guys can see what i...
So i just recently began to germinate my seeds using rock wool, i thought that this method would be best since i will be using a hydro system.
I soaked them in pH adjusted water/nutrient solution yesterday an they have been in a shoebox next to a heater. This morning i took a look at the...