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  1. Z

    Closet CFL grow...

    Dude you should drop the cfls that is not enuf light that's why your producing only 1.5 ounces plus the shwag of a 1/4 you should be using metal halide with atleast a 400 watt ballast . For veg and use a hps for flowering and you will produce large lucious buds like around probably 8 oz to a...
  2. Z

    My grow room is to hot with 800 watts and 2 bulbs

    Should I switch back to the hps 400 watt only I have a 2 light bulb hood with 2 400 watt ballast should I run only one light and it's in flowering will it hurt or turn my plants into hermaphs? Or do I just have to by and inline fan and deal with the 800 watt light right now the tempatures are...