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  1. JonnyWon

    Desperate Help - My Crop Looks Like Crap

    thanks for all the words of encouragement and help guys. I'm using fox farm, or that's what the guy who sold me the clones said. I plan on using that soil again next round because I like their simple charts for nutrients. I watched the Jorge Cervantes videos and am learning more every day...
  2. JonnyWon

    Desperate Help - My Crop Looks Like Crap

    Lol yes I really did a number on these plants. But I guess what I'm really asking is do you think I have it ok. Next time I'm going through a buddy for healthier better looking clones because when I bought these ones 3 feet tall they had thin leaves already, probably the way he was growing...
  3. JonnyWon

    Desperate Help - My Crop Looks Like Crap

    I'm dumping this on you guys because I'm struggling. I've been flowering what started as 6 plants and now is 4 under a 1000W for over 2 1/2 months now and it's just now starting to bud up. I need to figure out what I'm doing wrong and why my plants look like shit so in the next few weeks when I...