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  1. F

    Mushrooms Hospital

    here is the best advice you will get on this topic. When trying to obtain a secret level or higher clearance you had best just be honest about any question you are asked. They want to be able to trust you so don't lie, no matter how tempting it may seem.
  2. F


    I had a prescription for that at one time. Prescribed for the same thing as ritalin, i.e. ADD, etc but you can't get off on it. It is a time released thing too, fyi.
  3. F

    Making herbal incense

    yeah I figured but you never know. Lots of folks tend to be sensitive on these forums. Also, I a so happy with my jwh source that I would love to share it publicly. A good business deserves good word of mouth but all I can do is elude to it and hope everyone gets it :) I got lots of great...
  4. F

    Making herbal incense

    Ok so SWIM got his first batch finished using the spray method and acetone as the solvent. Very very good results diluted into 2 oz of acetone. SWIM may try the bath method next simply to avoid the sticky mess and fumes from spraying. Report on the product SWIM obtained from a jwh018supplier...
  5. F

    Making herbal incense

    SWIM is putting together his first attempt at this this weekend. SWIM is using 1 oz damiana, 1 oz marshmallow leaf, and 1 gr jwh-018. SWIM will be using acetone to dissolve. SWIM ordered some tasty puff to try and add some flavor. Has anyone attempted to add flavor to a batch like this? SWIM...
  6. F

    JWH-018 Suppliers

    I did not know who to trust either but I took a shot. The jwh018supplier I chose seems to be legit. I received my package in the mail FAST but I cannot report results just yet. I am still out of town so I plan on trying this out over the weekend when I am back home. Good luck choosing a...