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  1. S

    WHY EVERY ONE SHOULD VOTE NO ON 74 AND I28..Oregon green free wants to controll you!

    thanks mcpurple that's all I was after in the beginning. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion. But if your gonna stand up and try to be the town crier you had better have all your facts straight and no chips on your shoulder.
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    Oregon Green Free...what is wrong with this group?

    Agreed each person has to make there own choice as to whats best for them. I have no intention of starting a war between sites. However I could not stand by and watch a person make what some would consider slanderous and or libelous statements about something he know very little about.
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    Oregon Green Free...what is wrong with this group?

    Whoa back yourself up a little there big boy.,Where the hell did I ever call you any name? You seem to have quite the imagination and a large chip on your shoulder. I never expect anything for free I was taught to work and work hard for what you have. I do however have a problem with people...
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    Oregon Green Free...what is wrong with this group?

    You could not be further from the truth. Clones, got about 30 rooted and ready to go out to our next meeting, want some for free? when those are gone I'll cut another round. Meds donations? Helping a terminal cancer patient who's worried she won't see her first plant to harvest for FREE. Yes I...
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    Oregon Green Free...what is wrong with this group?

    dude don't know what you have been smoking but OGF is a great group. Granted there are defiantly some bad apples in the group, just like any other large group of people. Hell my first member contact for a med donation was a douch offering me a oz for BM prices, That person is no longer with our...