Search results

  1. L

    Kelvin and Nanometers

    nm = 2,897,768 / K
  2. L

    looked around more than a few places and this place has really good prices , like $30 us for 10 lemon crush + 5 free seeds. I figured if i never saw the seeds , it wouldn't cost me much .. well i ordered on a Monday ( actually Sunday night , but given the time difference .. ) , got my seeds...
  3. L

    dead , dead and crossing fingers - seedlings

    ok so i germed 2 seeds in paper towel , one poped up all happy and 3 days the other did a inverted u for a few days and i bumped it with the humidity lid and turned it into a stick sitting next to a pair of pre-leaves in the ground with a stick on them ( i.e. i cut the inverted u ) .. The other...
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    Holes without hole saw?

    key hole saw will cost ya like $3 and is another choice
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    The "correct" way to run 4" ducting tube thru ceiling to attic?

    i second the dryer vent kit , i just did that with ( suprize ) my dryer last week... i poked a small hole with a screwdriver in the celling , poked a hanger up in the hole , went to the attic to find the hanger , 3 mins to cut the 4" hole with a keyhole saw and droped the vent kit down .. a few...
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    need some opionins

    ya i was planing on doing seeds and small plants with cfl to start ..
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    need some opionins

    ok so i have this closet , it's 21" deep ( inches ) by 46 wide and goes all the way to the 8foot celling .. their is a nice shelf at the 6foot mark and i can vent through the celling to the attic so i was thinking i could use the shelf for fans / filters / etc. this would req that i line the...
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    hydroponics 101

    large amount of info here ... seems useful to me , but i'm just a beginner.
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    150w Bulb in a 400w Ballast

    i think it will work , but your cutting the life of the bulb down massively.
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    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    what exactly do you mean by upgrade the breaker .. i can yank out the poled 20A breaker ( does that make it 40? ) and put in 2 20's .. i can pull out the plug from the wall and re-wire a new one , i just cant run new wire from the box to the plug ;( FYI - the breaker i have looks almost excatly...
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    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    well i see 128 pages on this thread and you still seem to be answering questions ( woot and thanks ) I have a 220 ac plug under my window for a wall unit , i long replace the unit with a 110 unit but i still have this 220 outlet just sitting their. The breaker box has what looks like 2 20A...