My friend Male plants don't produce buds, they produce sacks that throw off pollen and basically (to help you understand) his pollen impregnates any female plant by him with seeds and no smoker should want seed.
What's going all my cool people.I took everyone's advice and got more lights.CFL's to be exact I will upload that pic later.I have 4 100 watt CFL's and as soon as I finish wrapping this present and smoking it up,i'm going to get at least 6 more for the bottom and sides.Just until flowering then...
From what Know first hand so far is that it is very easy and can have glorious results having a expensive or cheap setup.But you have the most important part already,you have the Nutrients, the lights, and the basic idea of how this stuff grows.CHECK Ph daily!!! important.Also be sure that...
Yes, I plan on getting like 4 CFL 100 watt bulbs today. I have the 600 hps light but i dont want to hook it up until I get out of this house.So what would you say CFL or go ahead and hook the HPS up.
Thanks for opening this up first of all...I will try to keep it as short as possible. It's my first grow that has come this far and for whatever reason I think im disappointed. I keep seeing pictures of peoples plants at like 4-6 weeks and then I have a look at mine and i'm like NO EFFING...