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  1. B

    question about cloning

    Can anyone help me answer this?
  2. B

    question about cloning

    So you're certain that these outdoor clones will survive? So they will go back to vegetative growth automatically... even with the current sub 12 hour day. Is that correct?
  3. B

    question about cloning

    Hi, i want to make clones of my outdoor plants to keep around till next outdoor grow season. I have my plants in a greenhouse. Can the clones live in there till next spring or will i need to have an indoor growing set up to keep them alive? Will the clones revert back to vegetative growth...
  4. B

    Plants suffering from dried yellow leaves. please help

    I checked the ph of my soil a few weeks ago and found that it was 6.5. I'm fairly sure its not a ph issue. I've transplanted them into larger pots with new soil and given them a half dose of this: fertilizer. I'll report back in a few days with...
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    Plants suffering from dried yellow leaves. please help

    I forgot to mention that they haven't grown hardly at all for the last few weeks.
  6. B

    Plants suffering from dried yellow leaves. please help

    Its just a high quality, general purpose potting soil.
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    Plants suffering from dried yellow leaves. please help

    I was giving it a quarter solution of liquid fertilizer. I stopped until i could get a diagnosis of the yellow leaves. How frequently should i fertilize? Also, should the leaves that become crispy be cut off? Thanks
  8. B

    Plants suffering from dried yellow leaves. please help

    Hi, my plants have dry, yellow leaves with some brown spots and the plants overall look droopy. I'm having difficulty telling wether its because of overwatering, underwatering, lack of nutrients, too hot, or a combination of more than one. I've attached a picture link of each plant...