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  1. buzman

    What do you think?

    From oz, only one plant, its mid to late summer here, i was surprised that it has started flowering cos the days are still long!? Here is a pic of the full plant.
  2. buzman

    What do you think?

    When is the right time to harvest? Think i'm a bit too early but any comments would be appreciated. Its about 16 weeks and outdoors.
  3. buzman

    Can a plant stop growing during flowering?

    Nice buds dude.
  4. buzman

    does this look ready ??????

    Looks great, but not ready yet. Looks like the pistols need to turn a bit more redish/ brownish in colour. What colour are the rest of the hairs on the plant are they more white or brown?
  5. buzman

    Male or Female??

    This plant is about 10 weeks old and still not sure if is male or female. I have another plant the same age and is a nice female which is starting to flower. How old does a male plant have to be before it starts to pollenate other plants. Do i need to get rid of it yet?? The first is my Girl and...
  6. buzman

    plz help

    Extension lead???
  7. buzman

    Friend or bastard?

    You guys are wasted.
  8. buzman

    How to flower outside?

    I would love to let grow into a beast but family are going to visit soon and its to big to move now! Have a light(600w HPS) but no where to put it, got rid of my grow cupboard, no cuboard space available and i dont have a shed, garage is always open and closed all the time. Might have to go with...
  9. buzman

    Outdoor to indoor?

    Awsome thanks guys!
  10. buzman

    Outdoor to indoor?

    I have grown outdoors, but want to flower inside with 600 HPS wondering if it will stress the plant tooo much?
  11. buzman

    flowering outside

    i want to force flower outside, days too long to do it under normal conditions at moment, what can i cover my plant up with so it gets the right amount of darkness, its only one plant. Been told im not allowed to have it in the house. . . .
  12. buzman

    How to flower outside?

    Thanks, i see what you mean. It sounds like its gonna be harder than i thought. What if a unexpected visitor comes around and sees a fridge in my back yard ha ha unless its full of beer. i dont want it to veg for another month or two either! not sure what to do?
  13. buzman

    How to flower outside?

    Hi all, i have a couple of plants outside and they are about 10 weeks, i want to start flowering and was wondering how to go about it as the outside sunlight is way too long and will be for a while. Can i just put a cover over them so they only get around 11 or 12 hours or is it not that simple?
  14. buzman

    Think its a male??

    Hi all, are these the start of male flowers? i have another plant same age that is female cos has white hairs but this one doesent. I need to know weather to pull it or not. Plant is about 10 weeks and outdoors. Any help would be appriciated, Thanks,
  15. buzman


    Eight weeks and out doors. I can take a different photo but what part of the plant do you need to see??
  16. buzman


    Hi everyone, i still cant be sure about sex of this one, how long till i can tell for sure. Cant see any white hairs yet but there is no nads on it yet either. How mature does a plant have to be till it is obvious?
  17. buzman

    marijuana cave

    A bit greedy maybe.
  18. buzman

    What is the difference between Indica and Sativa?

    Is one strain harder to grow than the other?
  19. buzman

    Male or Female??

    Thanks guys, not sure what strain, seeds given to me by a mate, fingers crossed though.
  20. buzman

    Male or Female??

    Hi all, was just wondering if anyone can tell if this little one is male of female, think its a bit too early though but if anyone can tell . . . it is about 6 weeks old. Cheers.