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  1. A

    Killfaces' 2010 Guerrilla Season

    maybe you could post a "How NOT To Guerilla Grow" video ;) haha shit man that sucks. I'd be careful on your indoor grows aswell, don't want the DEA bustin down your house door now...
  2. A

    How to tell early stages between male and female ?

    Usually you can tell from just the look of the plant in my opinion. A male looks masculine, they are bigger, the nodes stretched farther apart, it grows faster. Meaning, don't get to excited if some plants are growing really well and getting big, it could be a male. On the other hand, don't...
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    FIM Tutorial (taking the guesswork out)

    I think topping is easiest. I'm able to understand it more. To get 4 top colas would you not just top the 2 new colas after the first topping? It's easier then fimming aswell for new growers like myself because you don't need to stress and worry over your plants fucking up. On that note, if I...