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  1. suckrpnch

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    I realize I haven't been an official member on here for long and I'm not "known", but I'll ask anyways. After some quality insomnia time at the keyboard I believe I have found the "good" site but would like verification if someone wouldn't mind. I'm not into sending unsolicited PMs, emails...
  2. suckrpnch

    Anything I should use in addition to Jacks?

    Soil is: Shitty Earthgro potting mix Shitty Earthgro Hummus/manure Perlite Vermiculite Peat Lime Worm turds bat turds I was having a bad leaf curling/twisting and stunted growth issue in the seedling starter mix I was using. Since I have repotted into this soil there has been an immediate...
  3. suckrpnch

    Anything I should use in addition to Jacks?

    Cool... Well I guess I'm going to complete this grow with just the Jacks and molasses. I guess to elaborate on my original post, I have a bottle of the Alaska fish emulsion and also some random stuff that I could make a tea out of. I was more curious if there would be any benefit of mixing it...
  4. suckrpnch

    Seedling - twisting leaves - not major but why?

    Well, they have been repotted in a soul mix I made that has some organic nutrient value (and plenty of lime). I was using water at 7 because I was expecting the starter mix to be pretty low. Even at using 7.0 water, my runoff was at 6.4 or below which I didn't think would be so low to cause so...
  5. suckrpnch

    Noobish question about perlite

    Yeah.. I had this "cooking" outside to try and somewhat sterilize the mix, and it did get hot - like smoking hot, so hopefully I won't have the bug problem at least. It seems like the longer this stuff sat around the more I wanted to dick with it. I've added all kinds of stuff to it at this...
  6. suckrpnch

    Anything I should use in addition to Jacks?

    Assuming my plants pull through whatever issue they are having right now; is there any benefit to using anything beyond the Jacks Classic (AP 20-20-20 / blossom booster 10-30-20)? I was planning on doing the whole molasses thing a little later on, just didn't know if I've overlooked something.
  7. suckrpnch

    Seedling - twisting leaves - not major but why?

    I tested runoff 3 days before this repotting and it was in the ballpark of 6.4 (it may have been a bit lower - my pool test kit only goes down to 6.4 and the color on the strip was a bit lighter than it should have been for 6.4). I watered with tested distilled water (pH 7.0). I really don't...
  8. suckrpnch

    Seedling - twisting leaves - not major but why?

    Well... now this has become an issue I think. I was going to leave the plants in the cups till they were a little larger to make transplanting a little easier, but I think they needed a move sooner. The starter mix just didn't seem "right". All the cups would dry at different rates, would...
  9. suckrpnch

    Seedling - twisting leaves - not major but why?

    I dunno.. I like to leave my lights on 24/7 while I'm waiting for sprouts then switch to 18/6. I had a "late bloomer" and another seed that's not sprouted yet (calling it a dud at this point though). Just haven't gotten around to switching yet. I've also been making some adjustments to the...
  10. suckrpnch

    Seedling - twisting leaves - not major but why?

    Thanks for the reply. I just got some pool water test strips a couple days ago and properly tested my tap water - turns out it may be better water than I expected. According to the test strips my water is ~6.6-6.8 and ~100ppm so I'm going to start using that. I'm going to keep an eye on it...
  11. suckrpnch

    Seedling - twisting leaves - not major but why?

    To tell you the truth, I never checked the pH of the seedling starter mix - I did check the distilled water and it's right around 7. Best I can tell the soil is pretty dry before I water. It really seems like it's a common thing to overwater so I was trying to err on the side of underwatering...
  12. suckrpnch

    Seedling - twisting leaves - not major but why?

    I have 1 seedling out of my 4 where the largest leaves are twisting (almost 90° at this point). There is one other that has a couple "taco leaves" pointing up. I'm not really concerned about it at this point, just wondering why it's happening. stats: jiffy seed starter soil (no nutes) avg...
  13. suckrpnch

    carrying weight

    How long is your travel? Wrap/package your "cargo" as late as possible before you leave (like the very last thing you do). Also check out the Barry Cooper videos if you can - they have some useful info on how sniffing dogs operate as well as shady tricks cops use and how they profile. There...
  14. suckrpnch

    how much lime to add to soil?

    Far from a "pro" but I read a lot :). From what I've read in other posts, it seems to be more effective mixing it in the soil. There are some posts saying that top dressing may help a bit though. I kinda screwed up and have my conversions all screwed up but I added 2 cups lime to (about)...
  15. suckrpnch

    Suckrs first indoor grow

    As of 8-15 Temps Low:76 High:79 RH:65 8-13 4th sprout (newly planted LSD) came up. Given up on the Cole Train but leaving the cup with the others for now. Woke up to find the power off again. Apparently fixing some issues related to the storm. Moved sprouts to a spare room with a better...
  16. suckrpnch

    Noobish question about perlite

    Yeah, I certainly don't doubt that its not an optimal growing medium but I haven't decided on what kind of hydro setup I want yet and my organic compost pile is still a bit too fresh. My plans are to hopefully do a small hydro and small organic grow next time around to see if I can tell a...
  17. suckrpnch

    Venting into attic?

    I'm using CFLs this time around so I'm not too worried about much heat from the bulbs. Our central air is broke so I'm just contending with mostly outside heat right now. With no fans running in that room and with the closet door shut, temps can easily rise to over 90 degrees. I've since...
  18. suckrpnch

    Venting into attic?

    Well, I just picked up all my pieces/parts for a DIY carbon filter so now I shouldn't have any concerns with it now. I'm kinda out in the sticks and don't have any real close neighbors - closest is approx 500 yards (I have 3 acres). That neighbor however is the mayor/police chief/fire...
  19. suckrpnch

    Favorite Munchie Food?

    This sounded so good when I was stoned that I made it today when I was sober... The other weekend we got pretty baked and made a "full course meal" - the Menu: Heartburn (nachos) Pure Evil (2 hot dogs, 2 chicken strips, povolone cheese, siracha, Franks Red Hot, black pepper, and deli mustard)...
  20. suckrpnch

    Noobish question about perlite

    I looked at Lowes, Home Depot, a couple of hardware stores, and a shitty greenhouse that's just essentially like the garden section of Lowes. Nobody had any soil without nutes except Earthgro and nobody had perlite other than Miracle Gro. The Earthgro potting soil had all kinds of shit in it...