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  1. P

    Is this baby ready?

    thx everyone, now I can relax while I'm gone. I don't have shots of the entire plant, but I can tell you, everything besides the buds looks bad. every leave seems to be dying from an nutrient overdose I believe. When I'm back I'll post some nice photos. :)
  2. P

    Is this baby ready?

    thx, I'm glad, it's gonna be good weather around here for another week, so they should develop decently when I come back.
  3. P

    Is this baby ready?

    Can someone tell me if this one is ready for harvest, the problem is, I'm leaving for 5 days, so If I need to harvest i need to know. one macro shot and the zoom of it.
  4. P

    harvesting problem

    okay thx, looks like today might get sunny so I'm gonna wait til they dry in the day and then pull it indoors at eve, might harvest if they are dry enough :)
  5. P

    harvesting problem

    I have one outdoor plant that is ready for harvest, but my problem is, it has been raining for a few days now(should take care of the flushing). Do I have an increased chance of molds if I harvest now, or should I just wait a few more days when the weather turns better. Maybe putting the...
  6. P

    Stressing the plants

    Hi newbie here, I wanted to know what some of you might know about stressing the plants during flowering in order to make the plant go overdrive at creating buds. I've heard some stories about some guys who would screw screws, bolts and nails through the main stem to stress the plant and...
  7. P

    Question about sproutling leaves

    looks normal. too soon to tell anyhow.
  8. P

    How Do I Clone Marijuana Plants?Tutorial

    I recently started to experiment with clones for the first time. I have a healthy outdoor mother plant of which i took them. the first 3 I took, hanged all droopy in an hour, misted them regurlaly for 3 days and they did not came back up, now are they actually dead, or do the still have a...