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  1. E

    Breaking Into The Business

    i know what you mean man! for people that are in constant pain, (like myself), it is very hard to buy enough medicine from a club because it's too damn expensive! i tried growing my own but lost a whole tray because i couldn't walk when it was harvest time!
  2. E

    Any Pain Management Advice?

    NoGutsGrower: i found an app on the "Pranayam" breathing excercise. thanks for the advice! :) 1gamma45: i agree that less hits more often is the best way to control pain! and thanks for reminding me, i need to get a Tens Unit. :) thanks again every1 !
  3. E

    Any Pain Management Advice?

    wow! thanks for all the replies! i only got 1 email from rollitup saying i had a response. i didn't know i had more than 1! LOL!..... 1st of all to d.s.m. : dude! what ever it takes you need to do something different! i did what your doing for 4&1/2 years and it fucked my stomach up so bad...
  4. E

    Any Pain Management Advice?

    thanks snocat. i have foraminal stenosis, disc bulge and proximal at 2 different spots, and scoliosis.....
  5. E

    Any Pain Management Advice?

    Hello, my name is Jason. I have had severe back pain for 5 1/2 years now and it keeps getting worse. i can't take narcotic pain pills because they don't help and they make me puke. marijuana is all i am able to take for the i am wondering if any1 has any tips or techniques to help deal...
  6. E

    First post

    hello Rollitup community, my name is Jason, I am 34 years old and have been a medical marijuana user for the last year. of course i smoked in high school but was too lost in chemicals, (from 13 to 25), to appreciate it. i have a messed up back & NOTHING helps the pain like cannabis! it doesn't...