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  1. ThE cHeMiSt

    Real or fake shrooms help please

    Take a look at the "death cap"
  2. ThE cHeMiSt

    Real or fake shrooms help please

    Do not listen to this false advice, a mushroom sold to you can easily kill you. Know your source. trust no one especially this guy with false advice. Somebody could easily sell that to a kid saying it was a...
  3. ThE cHeMiSt

    Is it safe to grow in a college dorm?

    You might be able to pull it off if your attending class in Amsterdam haha.
  4. ThE cHeMiSt

    DMT Theory, Extremely Scary!

    "Dosage: Take 1 or 2 capsules 90mins prior to the desired effect with a glass of water or fruit juice. Warning: Dont exceed the recommended dose. Taking more than 2 may cause hallucinations. " "Each 450mg capsule contains: Paullinia cupana, Argyreia nervosa (Hawaiian baby woodrose), Camellia...
  5. ThE cHeMiSt

    DMT Theory, Extremely Scary!

    Wow I just found something extremely interesting that there actually selling on the internet, its a pill called "space trip" said to induce visuals, containing Hawaiian baby woodrose :razz: wonder if this shits legit...
  6. ThE cHeMiSt

    Firecracker Duds...

    Oh i thought you tried it a second time, i was wondering if it worked haha my bad
  7. ThE cHeMiSt


    Good seems as if you learned from your experience bro, let it this thread be a message to people, dont do pills, unless you need them prescribed for a certain condition, moderation is key, you will build a tolerence fast as fuck and most likely chemical dependency, your body will need that...
  8. ThE cHeMiSt


    Not trying to tell you what to do.. I'm just saying I know what it does. Doing it is stupid, somewhat close to meth, free basing oxy that is. Don't reply? dont tell me what to do? ya bro those are them damn oxy's talking
  9. ThE cHeMiSt

    the place DMT takes us

    let the extractions begin. :shock: bongsmilie
  10. ThE cHeMiSt

    Real or fake shrooms help please

    Don't eat them before confirming they are true shrooms, you could die and it could be poisonous
  11. ThE cHeMiSt

    the place DMT takes us

    Thanks for the advice bro, I'm for sure gonna demolish any under-lying problems before I attemp a trip.. exactly how hard is the extraction process?
  12. ThE cHeMiSt

    the place DMT takes us

    I've never done a hallucinogen, dmt would most likely turn my "world" on its head.
  13. ThE cHeMiSt

    DMT Theory, Extremely Scary!

    haha It was in no way supposed to be realstic, or considerable it's kidna funny tho haha, thanks for the info.
  14. ThE cHeMiSt

    the place DMT takes us

    Glad you read don't take it into consideration part?
  15. ThE cHeMiSt

    the place DMT takes us

    Glad you read don't take it into consideration part.?
  16. ThE cHeMiSt

    DMT Theory, Extremely Scary!

    DMT is truly something else, nothing quite like it.. I haven't had the privilege to experience it, YET. haha, well. I have a theory I know it's probably not right, No one please take this into real consideration, its kind of a fantasy theory.. Alright, so I've read when we dream, our pineal...
  17. ThE cHeMiSt

    the place DMT takes us

    ya dude DMT is truly something else, nothing quite like it.. I haven't had the privilege to experience it, YET. :) haha, well. I have a theory I know it's probably not right, No one please take this into real consideration, its kind of a fantasy theory.. Alright, so I've read when we dream...
  18. ThE cHeMiSt

    Calling all MJ lovers!!

    me too, i was cringing lmao
  19. ThE cHeMiSt

    Random message? Anyone else?

    haha yea, don't listen to that fuck ;)
  20. ThE cHeMiSt


    drunks get in car crashes, potheads miss their exit.