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  1. S

    Do You Pluck Leafs To get More Light To Bud Sites? Can I change Your Mind?

    I will save you a lot of trouble since I asked this same question last year. The thread got a little ridiculous with some of the responses but it's entertaining and somewhat informative. Here's a link to my post,
  2. S

    Cutting the plant vs. Pulling It Out by Root

    Looking for opinions on whether it's best to pull the plant out by root and hang the whole plant or whether it's best to just cut it down with a saw or does it really matter?
  3. S

    Is it wise to cut the upper leaves during flowering?

    This confirms my suspicion that it is crazy to cut healthy leaves! I also wasn't talking about topping the flowers, because it certainly is too late for that, I was talking about the feeder leaves which are near the top of the flowers. My friend seems to think it helps the buds grow more when...
  4. S

    Is it wise to cut the upper leaves during flowering?

    I have a friend who says it's beneficial to cut the leaves at the top of the plant because, according to him, it helps the budding process. I understand cutting the old and dying leaves, which are mostly at the bottom but is it actually a good idea to cut the leaves in the top section of the...