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  1. A

    Pre-Grow test run

    It's true, I would appreciate the bud more than well cared for tomatoes. I was planning on buying a plant off a friend but I guess I might as well just start with seeds. thanks guys
  2. A

    Pre-Grow test run

    I would like to begin growing marijuana but I don't have much of a green thumb so I wanted to begin by trying to grow a plant that might be similiar in terms of the process but cost less, any suggestions? I was told that tomatoes were an option, is this true? is there a better one? thanks for...
  3. A

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey Folks, just decided to start growing a couple plants with some friends in an indoors operation. I don't have much of a green thumb but this site looks pretty cool and I'm looking forward to some pretty good harvests. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and that this site seems like a pretty...