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  1. maxcatca

    dr greenthumb

    I know what you are saying about Dr Greenthumbs ... I bought The iranian Autoflower 90 days start to finish and wow is it potent as well .... I am a newbie grower and it was almost too easy it went so smooth ... Love the Doc ... also I had 100% germination rate ... and he said growth of 18...
  2. maxcatca

    Dr greenthumbs the best

    So I see people are discussing seedbanks and I just have to say that Dr Greenthumbs was fantastic for me as a newbie grower. He recommended The Iranian auto flower for me as a first time outdoor grower and I just have to say it was a great result. All the seeds germinated and he was right when...
  3. maxcatca

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi, I just started to grow some plants outdoors and also a few plants indoor to compare the two growing styles. On the outdoor plants (8) one has completely disappearred two are struggling and five look real good so far although I noticed a few leaves with holes in a couple plants. May cutworms...