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  1. 916bangster

    Sentinel HPH-4 help

    Hey guys I found a bad solder connection on one side of the terminal for the led. Just a fyi "Your friendly support team" Is a bunch of dumb asses that do not know anything about their products only what's in the book in front of them for what questions to ask the customer.
  2. 916bangster

    Sentinel HPH-4 help

    Hey guys I just bought and installed a Sentinel HPH-4 so I can run my hid's @ 240. The concern I have is that the green light on the unit it's self will not illuminate "turn on" The hid's kick on and run but not the green light on the unit. I went through the trouble shooting and did not find...
  3. 916bangster

    Cuttings from Your Cuttings?

    Cool thanks guys I appreciate the quick response and feed back it makes me feel comfortable knowing that my time and energy will be a positive success and that it is not a issue. :)
  4. 916bangster

    Cuttings from Your Cuttings?

    Hey guys have a ? My buddy offered me some free cuttings since I do not have the extra power or space to be able to have a mother veg room. So I said sure for free sounds like a good deal. So I have been veggin them for about two weeks now and I am noticing some weird or abnormal growth they are...
  5. 916bangster

    Water cooling ?'s

    Wow no one at all ?
  6. 916bangster

    Water cooling ?'s

    So I am a poor broke bastard that is wanting to attempt to water cool my set up lights, res. So I can not afford a chiller from Hydro Innovations but I was thinking if I could run the ice boxes and a res coil's and run it off a out side above ground pool as my external res. If you have or know...
  7. 916bangster

    Hepa ?

    Hello is it more efficient to suck air through or to blow air out of a hepa filter on a can fan set up :?: Thank you in advance for any who take the time to reply :clap:
  8. 916bangster

    Bushmaster: A How to Guide

    I just tried Bush Master my first time in my first sog and in my first hydro attempt. I am in week 3 now see I sign of N deficient is this normal after the use of the bm ? I used BM 3 days at 1ml per gallon top feed.
  9. 916bangster

    New to hydro have a flood ?

    Dirty thanks for the good advice I will check them out to make sure there is not any issue as time goes on. Just right now the cubes are HEAVY. I am a beginner to all of this I am currently using Fox Farm nutes and am way below what they rec right now they say 1100-1300 I am like 750-800. Thank...
  10. 916bangster

    New to hydro have a flood ?

    Thanks Dirty Harry, I just flooded the first time last night so I will see how they look tonight when the light comes but I am only going to flood once a day. It takes 7 min to reach the overfill "drain" I just don't want to have any issues with over watering I have heard plenty of stories of...
  11. 916bangster

    New to hydro have a flood ?

    Hey guys this will be my very first attempt at hydro and I am using a flood table. My ? is my buddy tells me I should flood every day but I am scared of over watering. So far I have just hand watered little amounts and have done good I just started to flower and they are in 6x6 rockwool cubes...
  12. 916bangster

    Portable A/C ?

    I know that I mean as far as efficiency or cooling abilities ?
  13. 916bangster

    Portable A/C ?

    So what is the difference between portable a/c units for instance one you would buy at best buy for like 500$ and a unit like this ? any info would be great thank you
  14. 916bangster

    Mushrooms in your soil?

    Back to the front of the line
  15. 916bangster

    Mushrooms in your soil?

    If mushrooms are good will they contribute to any other possible issues like powdery mildew ?
  16. 916bangster

    Foliar spray ?

    How late can you use a foliar spray during flowering cycle ? I have a little bit of powdery mildew I am in week six. I was going to try DM zone as a spray. Thanks in advance :grin:
  17. 916bangster

    Cube conditioning ?

    How important is it to drain all the water out of your cubes from the 24 hour conditioning ? Before you transplant ?
  18. 916bangster

    white powdery mildew?

    Is that safe to use that late in the flowering cycle ? For powdery mildew ?
  19. 916bangster

    Quantum T5 bad boy ?

    27Bronco Hey let me know how you like it and the results you get good luck
  20. 916bangster

    Mother medium ?

    What do you guys prefer to keep your mother's in soil hydro ? pro's con's lets here some feed back ?