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  1. R

    1st Organic grow. 1st grow period, need a little help. Pics

    How come you have so much leaf already??? I started germinating mine June 28th. June 30 th they were already rooted and then i planteed them into a cup. But still, after almost 5 days, i dont have the leaves that you have/ Heres a pic:
  2. R

    Transplanted (Trainwreck) into 3 gallon container, stuck it in my veggie garden.

    Helllo hello to all that have been following my threads. Today seemed to be alittle bit of a slower grow process for my dear lady. The heat just wore them out. Top temperature in my patio was about 100 degrees farenheit. We are going through a heat wave here in Ontario, Canada. I originally had...
  3. R

    Strain information!!! ( train wreck )

    Apparently my particular train wreck strain is medicinal marijuana with a high thc intake. up to 28%. We will have to see.
  4. R

    Let me know how my plants look please!!!

    ohh so beautiful. Love the lighter colored green leaves. So wonderful. I cant wait for my ladies to grow up a bit.
  5. R

    New To This. Indoor Plant Help!

    Maybe too much nutrients.
  6. R

    PICTURES, 1st time grower. Let me know if this looks normal, theres alittle drooping.

    Thanks alot Spacehund. Im in Canada, and right now we are going through a severe heatwave. Today it hit 90 degrees in my patio and hopefully less outside. Its definitly hard to control the temperature. Night time it gets to be about 70-75 though. Which is a good thing. Kimi, i just came back...
  7. R

    just saying hello

    Im new here aswell and find everyone to be very helpful and enthusiastic. Thanks everyone for your help!! OVERGROW THE GOVERNMENT.
  8. R

    Anyone know of a good, reliable Canadian seed bank?

    If you are anywhere near Niagara Falls, Ontario. I would hit the store Hightimes up. They have feminised seeds there that are garunteed. No fake seeds or males. Good prices too. I got 1 trainwreck seed (medicinal marijuana) for 18 dollars.
  9. R

    Strain information!!! ( train wreck )

    Thanks so much guys. So, i am going to transplant it into a different container, someone said roots dont like clear cups. Then i am actually going to put it outdoors tomorrow morning instead of in the patio. They will definitly get more light and ventilation out there. I wont start the nutes...
  10. R

    PICTURES, 1st time grower. Let me know if this looks normal, theres alittle drooping.

    ohh alright thanks guys. i think im going to actually put it outdoors tomorrow, its only been out in the patio for its growth period. I will transplant it again to a better pot and then get it outside asap. thanks thanks thanks for the help!!!
  11. R

    Strain information!!! ( train wreck )

    Well i purchased them from a seed bank in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. He told me they were feminized, hopefully he is right. Train Wreck is known to be an indica correct? I germinated them in 2 days, using the old paper towel and plate method. Once i saw a little white root i immediatly...
  12. R

    PICTURES, 1st time grower. Let me know if this looks normal, theres alittle drooping.

    As you can see in this picture it is about 2 and a half inches tall. Im just worried abou the head drooping abit. Hello to all, i am starting to grow trainwreck. I started germinating my seeds June 28th, now the little plant is about 2 and a half inches tall. When do i transplant it? And...
  13. R

    Strain information!!! ( train wreck )

    Oh yeah? How did it grow for you? Short, tall, wide, narrow? What did it taste like? What was the yield? Indoora or outdoors? Let me know everything! :)
  14. R

    Strain information!!! ( train wreck )

    :peace: Hello to all, just started my growing process June 28th, things are going well. I need information on the strain Train Wreck. There isnt alotta information on the web, iv typed it into google numerous times. Thanks to all and happy farming.
  15. R

    HELP* Begginner Grower. Need to ask a few basic questions.

    Thanks tranquility for your help. THe plant is now about 2 inches tall, with 4 tiny green leaves. The patio is about 90 degrees and very humid today, it looks as if the plant is a little droopy. Does it need water? The soil is pretty moist about half inch down the cup. All i need to know now is...
  16. R

    HELP* Begginner Grower. Need to ask a few basic questions.

    Hello to all in the marijuana community. I am a new grower and have purchased some seeds called Train Wreck, known to be an indica. I have already germinated them using moist paper towels and a bowl and put them ontop of my fish tank heater. They germinated in about 2 days, once i saw a white...