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  1. NorCalToker420

    My Plant is a Hermie!

    The plant was showing female for weeks then i transplanted it to outside and the pollen sacks showed up so is it a real hermie?
  2. NorCalToker420

    My Plant is a Hermie!

    Hey does anyone know if you can you clone a female branch off of a hermaphrodite and get a female plant?
  3. NorCalToker420

    First Grow *UPDATE* (Pictures)

    Nice grow man, them are some good lookin plants:weed: Here in Northern Cali its just about time to flower, All of my plants are flowering except 3 and they will all be flowering by the end of the week So If your hours are close to ours I would say that your plants will start flowering within...
  4. NorCalToker420

    2010 Cali Outdoor Grow

    Oh yeah next year Im gonna have everything already set up Im hoping to have some real monsters next year
  5. NorCalToker420

    2010 Cali Outdoor Grow

    I am currently getting about 14 hours of light over here, 1 of the blue cheese is already flowering and the big AK x Lambsbreath is starting to flower But they should all start flowering here within the next week =D I am happy with their size although I would want them much bigger Anyone...
  6. NorCalToker420

    2010 Cali Outdoor Grow

    One of the Mystery plants is yellowing but not wilting, shriveling or dying What do you guys think? help needed
  7. NorCalToker420

    2010 Cali Outdoor Grow

    Yes indeed it was my friend:grin: Actually it was weeks of digging and I only got 17 out 29 in the ground so far
  8. NorCalToker420

    2010 Cali Outdoor Grow

    Afghani goo and Afghani Black The B. Berry and the B. Berry x Red bud on the right The Ak x Lambsbreath The Strawberry Diesel And Last the Unknown Bagseed
  9. NorCalToker420

    2010 Cali Outdoor Grow

    Now the Purple Kush Then the Mystery Strain
  10. NorCalToker420

    2010 Cali Outdoor Grow

    First the Blue Cheese
  11. NorCalToker420

    2010 Cali Outdoor Grow

    Some garden shots
  12. NorCalToker420

    2010 Cali Outdoor Grow

    Hey everybody, I know its a little late to start my grow thread but better late than never Well I have 29 Plants, and 10 strains 14. Blue Cheese 3. Purple kush 3. Mystery (friend gave me clones but didnt want me to know the strain) 2. Blueberry 2. AK x Lambsbreath 1. Afghani goo 1...
  13. NorCalToker420

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    Well then I guess Im gonna try it out:-D
  14. NorCalToker420

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    Fdd, would that lower possibility of diseases and mold?
  15. NorCalToker420

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    Hey Fdd, I noticed that you have a fan out in your grow it to help strengthen branches or somethin?
  16. NorCalToker420

    Have Question about PH.....Need Help!

    Thank you for the help Im growing in soil I flushed them out and the ph went up the next day
  17. NorCalToker420

    Have Question about PH.....Need Help!

    How long do i have to buy it before the low ph starts hurting them? Im growing in Soil
  18. NorCalToker420

    Have Question about PH.....Need Help!

    Hey, So I bought a Ph tester yesterday and went out and tested it on my plants today Most of my plants averaged around 5.5 to 7.5 but I had 4 plants that had 3.5 and below What can I do to up the Ph?
  19. NorCalToker420

    Anyone ever heard of this strain?

    Well NBKA, I live in Nor Cal and all 8 dispensarys in Chico got raided, They were accused of selling to people without Rx's and possibly under 18 Well I hope it turns out chronic I think its a strong Indica strain