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  1. K

    Drug Test?

    Well since theres no General Discussion sub forum I figured this would be the most appropriate place to make a thread regarding this. I'm getting an operation done on the 18th of December and I have to get a pre-surgery physical I was wondering if they test for drug use? If they do, am i safe...
  2. K

    To late to grow?

    Jesus Christ, thats a lot maybe to much! (nah haha) Well I'll draw out a sketch of my plan and see what you guys think, it'll be a guerrilla grow.
  3. K

    24 week experiment so far...

    Damn, success story if i ever heard one, I can't wait to start my first grow.
  4. K

    To late to grow?

    what do you think 9 females would yield? Max potential?
  5. K

    To late to grow?

    If i plant in march will i be able to harvest in like August?
  6. K

    noob needs info

    thanks for hijacking my thread.
  7. K

    noob needs info

    I am not in the situation where i could grow marijuana in my window 'unfortunately.' And ordering them online is a not possible so i'm stuck with bag seed for the time being.
  8. K

    noob needs info

    Hey guys, I've been looking through some of these beginner guides and I still don't understand a few things. Let me inform you guys on my plan just for some background information. I'm planning on planting 18-20 bag seed in a 5x5 2 foot deep area of fertilized soil in the woods/field etc...
  9. K

    To late to grow?

    Yeah thanks a lot, I'll wait till spring and get all prepared. Which month will I start March/April?
  10. K

    To late to grow?

    Hey guys I live in Virginia, I was wondering if you think a plant could survive outside temperatures are around 50-60 during the day and 40-45 at night? Thanks a lot.