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  1. superstarr

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    ok, so i have a question, i am planting seeds today after work, they are of the trainwreck strain(if that makes any difference) so for lil seedlings just planted: what do you guys think is the best light schedule to start the lil ladies(hopefully) with, and when should it be changed? p.s...
  2. superstarr

    Seed Germination

    hi guys im pretty new here and definitely new to the grow scene, however i'm a quick learner and really devoted to anything i do. so you are probably gonna see alot of questions from me until i get good at this because i'm the kinda person who can't stand sucking at something! so here goes...
  3. superstarr

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey, whats up every one im new to the community and i am very eager to start learning and contributing in any way i can! hopefully i can make an impact on the community!