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  1. T

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Apparently I don't have priviledes to PM. Brick I hope you are still out there. Or does anyone know how to PM and what priviledges I have? Thanks everyone. Rick
  2. T

    Hi Brick, I hope this is the way to PM you. I am going to need your help. I have a one bedroom...

    Hi Brick, I hope this is the way to PM you. I am going to need your help. I have a one bedroom apt. I am dividing my bedroom in half. I have one 4*3*7 tent for the vege stage. The grow shops have been telling me to go with the 8 tube T5. I wanted to put a 1000 MH in there because I am a...
  3. T

    The Plan

    High everybody! After spending my lot on the local dispensaries I have been forced indoors. No big deal. I did it on a grander scale in Seattle in the 90's so I should be able to scale it down for a one bedroom apartmemt. YIKES! I am going to get a couple of Secret Jardins. (Like a grow hut, but...