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  1. OneWithJah

    Which Medium is Best for Organic Cloning?

    ....nobody?? Really? And they ask me why I'm never on this site any more. Do I really know more than everyone else here? :confused::hump:
  2. OneWithJah

    My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

    Dude! You totally forked up your plants, bro!
  3. OneWithJah

    $ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

    Man, my D.A.R.E. counselor was right, marijuana IS dangerous! I even heard that Victor Licata was riding a Sea-Doo when he murdered his family with an axe! I'm giving this stuff up and going back to Sunday School.
  4. OneWithJah


    I'm only posting so that I can have more than two posts on here. Sheesh.
  5. OneWithJah

    Which Medium is Best for Organic Cloning?

    Greetings all~ I'm in the midst of transitioning a 90%-organic grow into one closer to 100%, and as part of this changeover I'm looking to no longer root my clones in rockwool, yet I still have questions regarding other medium choices. Any input on the following queries would be most...