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  1. S

    First grow CFL needs help please

    6weeks flowering Buds seem to be getting denser, few more red pistols, nearing the end- I plan on harvesting 8 weeks of flowering, just hope not to soon though i pulled plant 2 at 5 & 1/2 weeks into flowering(dont suggest doing this, didnt really get me high and wish i hadent).... I may need to...
  2. S

    First grow CFL needs help please

    i hear pics 12 hrs from now ;) ..............just know its only of plant 1 now, and outside highhopes.....we wont discuss plant 2 anymore
  3. S

    First grow CFL needs help please

    Usually like 8am until about 1pm when I notice bugs, 10 amish seems to be the time they really out and about......where I'm at anyways.... I would just make sure to have a few indoors.....just in case outdoors dont turn out so well; ill keep posting pics of the 3 ladies I have until they...
  4. S

    First grow CFL needs help please

    It seemed to help; just know the branches will try to grow back, cut again and after the second time shouldn't grow back anymore...I do check often as I can (for bugs that is), during early hrs especially (when it seems bugs are feeding). I was concerned as well; I just decided to plant a few...
  5. S

    First grow CFL needs help please

    5 weeks flowering.....patience is a virtue, it's hard not to leave these girls alone, but I've made it this far.....I'm sure I can make it another 4 weeks or more if needed.... Heres some new pics; one special pic of outside plant- she just started to preflower, proly veged for 2 months or so...
  6. S

    First grow CFL needs help please

    still 4 weeks flowering....just two pics thought I'd share; the one plant in the back still have problems with, have been flushing but its fan leaves are in bad shape....front plant took a close up with magnify glass to show some crystals, its doing quite well...
  7. S

    First grow CFL needs help please

    good news is plants are starting to fatten up......bad news is the one plant having problems with, its getting worse; all fan leaves are covered in 'rust spots' (think its way over fertilized)....did get a new fluor that has more lumens but i think its cool not warm white, unsure if makes a...
  8. S

    First grow CFL needs help please

    Lol DEPS; I actually thought it was my crap computer that dropped game, but its all good; anyways...... Got two 42 watt cfl's, will see how it pics saturday
  9. S

    First grow CFL needs help please

    small updated pics....shows soil, light setup and two plant pics
  10. S

    First grow CFL needs help please

    Not enough money for anything this week; no bulbs no soil kit.....but i've started to flush the two plants out...will post updated pic next week I think i'm going to track this grow, keep adding updated pics each week; anyone thats following along will be able to see why proper lighting, soil...
  11. S

    First grow CFL needs help please

    i do have one other question....Am I on week 3 of flowering or week 5? If i include the first 2 weeks of 12/12, it will have been 5 weeks of 12/12......but the first 2 weeks is when plant is changing phases.....logic tells me that its 3 weeks flowering, I'm just unsure
  12. S

    First grow CFL needs help please

    I sadly am using the Miracle grow soil...the one that has the continuous plant feed release..... And i was worried about stressing the plant by bringing in and outside; whether it stays in or out, the 12/12 schedule doesn't change (8pm off, 8am on) does get direct sunlight when outside...
  13. S

    First grow CFL needs help please
  14. S

    First grow CFL needs help please

    And im a bit worried about the rust spots on the one plant as its starting to creep to higher and higher leaves........I think its Mg deficiency from what i've read but I really have no clue what im doing; just trying to follow what i read. Any ideas and solutions for this?
  15. S

    First grow CFL needs help please

    on a tight no money really budget; why i was going to get the 2 42 watt ones for now, hopefully soon can invest in 100 watt bulb or better- just read up on those, didn't know they came that big as cfl's......but for now, does it help to put outside for a duration of time? I put these ladies out...
  16. S

    First grow CFL needs help please

    Hope someone can help me......would like to beef up the buds on these gals, as well as need help with either lockout or nutrient deficiency . I know my lighting is horrible, but I'm using three 13 watt cfl bulbs and 2 fluorescent bulbs; one fluor is a grow light that says its 7,800k (pretty much...