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  1. B

    please tell me what you think is wrong here

    hi grizzdude, thnx for the reply! im using a 150 watt hps floralux, and i keep the plants about 1 inch from the glass cover ,and i have a little ocillating fan right on it. i figured as long as i keep the fan close it would be fine cause 150 watt doesnt put out too much heat. grow room stays...
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    please tell me what you think is wrong here

    sounds like the exact same thing happening to me. ive tried flushing and adding cal mag. im starting to think ive just been over doing it with the nutes. i try to stick to the fox farm schedule, but when i pour the nutes into the little measuringspoon, i might be guilty of filling it to the top...
  3. B

    please tell me what you think is wrong here

    ive got two autos, both look burned to shit. onone plant, the leaves are yellow and crusty, and othe areas the leaves curle down around the buds, and its leaning big time for the light lol. the other one looks fine,but all the leaves are kinda yellow brown, brown spots.
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    maybe you can also tell me where i went wrong lol two auto's
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    is cal mag safe to use all the way to harvest?

    hello all. i just started using cal mag on 2 of my plants, and they only have about 2 more weeks until i harvest. I kno im suppose to stop using nutes when there about 2 weeks till harvest, but is it ok to just use cal mag and water up until harvest? i should of been using this cal mag stuff...
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    Am I Weird For This???

    thank you for this thread. it makes me feel normal
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    7 days till maturity, I will post trichome pics daily

    yumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyum looks so good. great job!
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    need advice

    just wanna say thnx again. i ordered some cal mag yesterday and its been shipped today =) i pray this stuff will make a difference. thnx again
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    where to buy cal mag?

    lol i am VERY paranoid sometimes. I just ordered some tho xD under 15$ for 8 0z bottle. hope this stuff works O.O
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    Fan leaves on clones?

    thanks man. that just helped me remember a vid i saw long ago where they cut the leaves like you said. I got a humidity dome too =)
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    Fan leaves on clones?

    Am i suppose to cit the fan leaves off my clones? I kept them on thinking it would be good, but i think i read something last night saying they sometimes cut off the fan leaves on clones? Anyhoo, i have 6 clones now (this is my first time cloning) and they all have 2 fan leaves on them. is this...
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    where to buy cal mag?

    i have a hydro store but its about 2 hours away =(...but ill prob go out there anyway. I try to aviod buying things online, not sure why. i just thought maybe there was something around the house i could use. kinda like how some people use lemon juice or w/e for their ph.
  13. B

    where to buy cal mag?

    hi, i just recently learned i need some cal mag, but im having trouble finding where to buy it. Is this something that can be bought locally, like at lowes? Or is there something i can use as a substitute that i can buy locally? If not, does anyone no of a good website thats cheap lol. Im always...
  14. B

    need advice

    thanks for all tips! Sorry for my ignorance, but is there anywhere local i can buy cal mag? i just googled it, and GNC poped up, and wal mart vitamins or something. i would feel weird going to GNC for plant needs lol. I'd like to buy some as soon as i can cause im just about to water the one...
  15. B

    need advice

    thnx, i just googled them and it does actually look more like magnesium deficiency. Right now im using ffof and the trio pack of fox farm nutes. so now i need to add more magnesium? Ive never done that. I guess my next step is how to add more magnesium lol. Im guessing theres something i can buy...
  16. B

    need advice

    if i keep the yellow on, will it do alot of damage?
  17. B

    need advice

    hmmm i think ill just leave it alone for now lol. If gets alot worste then ill cut em off. Thanks for all the help guys!
  18. B

    need advice

    the top halfs of the leaves look yellow and crunchy, but the bottom half of leave looks fine. I was thinking of just cutting off the bad half and not the entire leave. Then im kinda doing what both of you suggested.
  19. B

    i dont want my biggest plant to die!!! could this be root rot? i have pictures

    theres this stuff that works awsome i just got, it was 7.99, and you drop this liquid in your water and based on the color it turns it will tell you the ph. I also bought a 50 hanna ph tester, but then i find out i need storage solution and calibrating solution, and some other stuff thats a big...