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  1. CSCFarmer107

    Need Info.

    Oh yeah sorry but what are your recommendations on bugs? If I got them, what should I use?
  2. CSCFarmer107

    Need Info.

    I believe I got them in 3 gallons right now, I hate transplanting, so I thought keep them in 1 pot the whole time but now I'm guessing this is a bad idea? My friend put me on fox farm big bloom and bat guano. I think your method is best tho. I'm chucking the sand for now on, thankx. Should I...
  3. CSCFarmer107

    Need Info.

    So what your telling me is to stop feeding them nutes for a while, get more light, put more soil in the pots and don't water as much. I do ph the nutes to exactly around 6.5. In the bigger 1 I used ff of but mixed it with sand and peat moss with the ration 4-1-1. After transplanting I realized...
  4. CSCFarmer107

    Need Info.

    I only feed them with the fertilizer like 1 a week. I got this High Nitrogen Mexican Guano which is 10-1-2. The FF BB is .01 -.3 -.7. The temp is in the 70's. The light I have, since it is in a long but narrow closet, produces 2700 lumes forgot what brand, I want to say GE. My BGK is about a...
  5. CSCFarmer107

    Need Info.

    Im working in a closet and BGK keeps going from 5 leaves to 3 leaves to 4 leaves to 5 leaves, whats this all about? Also I believe I need more light what's a great bulb to get, my closet is to small for a big hood? And I use FF Big Bloom and Guano for fertilizer, I don't think the the...
  6. CSCFarmer107

    New might need help?

    Kooh man thankx a billion
  7. CSCFarmer107

    New might need help?

    Thankx guys, yous have out done ya'll selves. Can i find those socket hanger things @ home d as well?
  8. CSCFarmer107

    New might need help?

    Kooh kooh, thankx that works and how about the lights? Is the bulb I got good and if so do I need more then just 1? If it isn't what bulb should I get?
  9. CSCFarmer107

    New might need help?

    Yeah I got 1 of those, its made by GE and its 42 watts compact fluorescent spiral but its soft white. Is this no good 2?
  10. CSCFarmer107

    New might need help?

    Here are some pics, some people are telling me I'm over watering and underlighting? What you think? I only water it when the soil feels dry, I fertilize like twice a week , and the light produces 2700 lumens.
  11. CSCFarmer107

    New might need help?

    Where does 1 get panda film or mylar? And then what kind of bulb is better and where can I purchase it?
  12. CSCFarmer107

    New might need help?

    I've been using this grow bulb I got from the plant store, It's from GE that outputs 2700 Lumens. I water it like every other couple days (when the soil feels crustie) , I fertilize like 2/week. I use Fox Farm Big Bloom with Bat Guano (high N). The pot are big enough I'm sure maybe 2 big lol.
  13. CSCFarmer107

    New might need help?

    Hey everyone, new to the site. A friend told me everyone here is real kooh bout helping out newbies. I've had my MJ Card for a year and thought maybe start my own personal grow station. I recently got this Bubble Gum Kush Clone and have 4 Hindu kush germinated seedlings that I recently planted 3...
  14. CSCFarmer107

    New might need help?

    I just started to grow for myself and got this BGK (bubble gum) and think something might be wrong plus I planted some germinated HK/TW's and I dont think they are growing correctly. Can someone help?