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  1. C

    Grow Method need some advice

    thanks for the advice, not sure how this ended up in the grow room design I thought I was in the general growing forum.
  2. C

    Grow Method need some advice

    I was just wondering if anyone has ever grown sog with a perpetual harvest, and by that I mean placing new clones into flower every week or so in an attempt to harvest more frequently. My reasoning for this is I live in an apartment and with fewer ripe buds at any given time the smell would be...
  3. C

    CO2 yeast / sugar bottle! NEed advice!

    I made a small still using a pressure cooker with a copper line out of the top into a copper coil that is cooled by ice in a coffee can, pretty primitive but works ok
  4. C

    Question I Always Ask My Friends, Now It's Your Turn

    I typically ask my friends this question after a good smoke session. As your tolerance for marijuana increases do you think you are less high or just more capable of dealing with the altered state of mind. I have always thought I was just more capable of dealing with the altered state of mind...
  5. C

    First Post

    I guess I could fit 8 bulbs only 17" deep is $254 a good price. Sun Blaze 432W 3000K 40000 Lumens 4FT T5 Fluorescent Grow Light - Plantlighting Hydroponics
  6. C

    First Post

    guess I would be able to fit 8 bulb T5s how do these look, is this a good price? Sun Blaze 432W 3000K 40000 Lumens 4FT T5 Fluorescent Grow Light - Plantlighting Hydroponics
  7. C

    First Post

    Just found an 8 bulb T5 only 17" deep so it will fit in my room is $254 a good price? Sun Blaze 432W 3000K 40000 Lumens 4FT T5 Fluorescent Grow Light - Plantlighting Hydroponics Thanks Carhartt
  8. C

    First Post

    Just figured I would introduce myself. I stumbled onto this site by accident, but it has rekindled my interest in growing a few plants, I am finding it harder and harder to get good weed and hate looking for it. So maybe growing is the solution. I have been researching a little bit on...