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  1. mashed

    DR120W (Lighting Opinions Needed)

    what sort of extraction cooling you got buddy?
  2. mashed

    mylar nutrient tank area insulation idea. Opinions wanted!

    Hi guys was thinking about the possible temp problems that arise in grow tents as a result of HID lights and had an idea: why not have a mylar sheet at the base of the stems of the plants effectively resting on the top of the grow system and sealed to the walls of the grow tent using duck...
  3. mashed

    Are carbon filters safe for your health?

    in fact a carbon filter in your room is probably good for you.
  4. mashed

    600HPS cooling advice appreciated.

    hi dude im not going with computer fans im not sure where that one came from. my aim is to have an extractor fan that will pull air from outside the grow tent via a passive air intake over the light and extract the air outdoors.
  5. mashed

    600HPS cooling advice appreciated.

    how about a 125mm so a 5inch extractor fan with carbon filter? its a proper extractor fan with a carbon filter fiitted inline and directly to the extractor.
  6. mashed

    600HPS cooling advice appreciated.

    yea i suspected some sort of air cooled lighting system would be needed. thanks for the heads up. DANKASAURUSREX thats interesting you should say that i was thinking using an air cooled via extractor light and having that as my only air pulling and extractor device. would it be enough to cool...
  7. mashed

    600HPS cooling advice appreciated.

    Hi all I am looking for some advice on a future grow project i have in mind. i have been researching like a man possessed for a few months now but still one question fails to be answered clearly enough for me to begin my grow adventure. this makes me sad. basically i plan on growing 4-6...