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  1. joestingray

    HELP! CAMO! first time grow

    Cloud 9 stoner. How many plants are you going to put out? Last year camp raided my neighbor that had a 1000 plant grow and didn't come to my place because mine were hidden well. I only had 200 plants but they well camo'd in manzanitas. It took heck of a lot of work setting it up, but I got away...
  2. joestingray

    So where do I buy camo pots?

    sensisensai, youre right . Of the three main aeration containers (I have tested all of them ) I would say 1st place Camopots, 2nd smartpots, and a far away 3rd place roots pots . The first two are the same price , the roots pots are a little cheaper. But in this case you definitely get what you...
  3. joestingray

    4 plants from seed experiment

    Your a smart man, seed starts are always better than clones ,thats why your plants look so healthy. Good job
  4. joestingray

    six weeks into flowering and rootbound as hell.. HELP!!

    Next time use an aeration container and you will never have this problem again, At least you're less than a few weeks from finishing
  5. joestingray

    So where do I buy camo pots?

    I think that someone wants to use a camopot because its an aeration container. I have tested the differences between plastic and aeration containers and the end results are amazing . Not only will your plants grow up to 50% larger in the same size container, but your yields will be way bigger as...
  6. joestingray

    low flying plane paranoia or cause for concern?

    What state do you live in ? I would be more concerned in some areas than others.
  7. joestingray

    So where do I buy camo pots?