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  1. J

    400 watt ballast keeps turning off then turning on so mad

    I just had the same issue and I thought my ballast went out so I borrowed a friends and used my bulb. It started doin the same thing. So I went and bought a new bulb and now it works fine. :hump:
  2. J

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    i am still a beginer so you should still get more advice but i think thats chemical/nute burn. I think you might be using to many nutes. Depending on the soil you use (happy frog and such) there could be a lot on nutes already in your soil so when you add them to the water there is to much and...
  3. J

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    I used Organicare® Nitrex (6-0-0) i did about half what it says on the bottle with just water(no nutes) and it helped a bunch, I had alot more yellow though so you might want to do less, or just do a spray. Hope it helps :)
  4. J

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    They were healthy green. I measure my ph of my water/tea every time I water. I keep it at 6.3(per my friend who taught me....his look great).... i thought it might be a N deficiency but I have boosted it since and no change, thats why i thought salt buildup.......
  5. J

    Yellow leaves..... PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

    :cry: I read that i may have a salinity build up, lack of N, and possible chemical burn. Can someone please help me differentiate? We started with yellowing leaves on our flowering plants and now 75% of the leaves are yellow. I water them with distilled water and a tea of molasses, worm castings...
  6. J

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Thanks for the info. I have a question though. I read that i may have a salinity build up, lack of N, and possible chemical burn. Can someone please help me differentiate? We started with yellowing leaves on our flowering plants and now 75% of the leaves are yellow. I water them with distilled...