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  1. P

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    so does any1 else have stinkbugs eating on their buds? if so does using nicotine and dish soap kill them and does the soap and nicotine harm the plant?
  2. P

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    have a question, on some of my plants the new leaves are blackend near the stem but then seems to disapear after a few weeks as the leaves mature when i look at it it doesnt seem to be anything on the outside of the plant looks more like its in it, neighbors plants have same thing going on he...
  3. P

    First time growers, just started flowering recently? come on in :)

    ehh i dont have anything to take pics with no cell phone to take pics with either when i 1st got sick and needed cash the cam and phone were the 1st things to go, i have looked around at pics on my pc but all are to blury looking idk if its just my crappy pc or bad pics guess i will just have to...
  4. P

    First time growers, just started flowering recently? come on in :)

    hi i was wondering if anyone had pics of when a plant 1st begins to show its sex i have 11 plants outside 3 i can clearly tell are females the rest im unsure of would like to be able to pick the males out asap, sadly i live in pennsylvania and medical marijuana isnt legal here yet so i cant just...