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  1. N

    Why Is There Homosexuality, And How Does One Accept It?

    I've never had so many people call me gay. It's kind of funny. Thanks for the support I guess. I'm not going to consider myself gay just yet though. I guess all I can do for now is know it doesn't matter and do what makes me happy.
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    Why Is There Homosexuality, And How Does One Accept It?

    I consider me bisexual yet still wonder what makes me the way I am. The parents were very loving, but mom worked a lot so she was very busy. Dad didn't work much at all and seemed to be an inadequate father figure. They divorced but continue a healthy relationship. My first thoughts of...
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    Law of Attraction

    There aren't any instruments that can measure its supposed effects; therefore, it can not be scientifically proven.
  4. N

    Anyone Read Daniel Quinn?

    I did not recognize the author, but when you dropped the name of his book I totally knew it. I have not read it. I just do not feel like it is for me. It sounds like it would depress me. Maybe I just have an aversion too it because one of my best friends recommends it so highly. I love the guy...
  5. N

    LoA experiment. First. What do should my desire be?

    I would like to conduct an experiment with the Law of Attraction. The basic principle is that if I want something enough, think and visualize it enough, and then tell myself to be grateful for already having just after the visualization. The hardest part will probably be that last bit about...
  6. N

    Law of Attraction

    Firstly, I hope no one is sour about my posting on this thread again. I really like the idea of the Law of Attraction. I agree that the things like the Law of Attraction and God should probably not be bother too much with hard empirical evidence, but it makes sense to me as a logical...
  7. N

    I meant why are you so concerned with giving a stranger a source. Even if I did up my post count...

    I meant why are you so concerned with giving a stranger a source. Even if I did up my post count we'd still be complete strangers. Do you think that I'm going rob your source or bust them for doing nothing illegal? Anyways. I will see what I can do to gain your trust which is kind of odd because...
  8. N

    What it do y'all

    I'm a nineteen year old sophomore in college studying Engineering Physics at Embry Riddle in Daytona Beach. I'm from Memphis, TN and am currently stayin in Petoskey, MI. I'm bisexual but unfortunately tend to prefer the fellas. I wish things were more ideal. The only reason I see for nuclear...
  9. N

    How do you suggest I do this? I don't really want to start posting on a forum all the time, but...

    How do you suggest I do this? I don't really want to start posting on a forum all the time, but if you promise good sources I will. Why are you so concerned with referring a source to someone anyway? P.S. Thanks for the quick response.
  10. N

    Would you be kind enough to hook me up with a reliable source from which to purchase chemicals...

    Would you be kind enough to hook me up with a reliable source from which to purchase chemicals such as JWH-018, DMAA, etc?