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  1. pjgaffney1

    pinching the top of your buds?

    Hi all nearly flowering 3 weeks all looking v nice, saw somewhere that pinching the top of the buds increase them to fatten out and up the yeild. Anybody tried this? had good results? All replys much appreciated.
  2. pjgaffney1

    Help Please

    Hi all, have been flowering my ladies for the last 2 days now, run the lights at night when cheaper, bb all zipped up in the day the problem is that the humidty is at 80-90% which i know is not good, what can i do to lower it, what is the appropriate humidty in the dark cycle and what damage do...
  3. pjgaffney1

    My first grow Lowryder #1 (auto)

    yes have sorted heat prob now steadily running at 82 and 30 humidty. That should be ok?
  4. pjgaffney1

    My first grow Lowryder #1 (auto)

    I have a large commercial denair air conditioner but will it suck to much humidity out of the air? i know if i run her for half hour she will drop the whole temp down to about 70, but she is expensive to run for more than 3-4 hours. wot you think? And is my odour control ok? I much appreciate...
  5. pjgaffney1

    My first grow Lowryder #1 (auto)

    thanks for the advice geez, you have a very nice looking harvest there, and i'm sure it will put a big smile on your face. I've got 2 fans running at mo one directed towards 600watt light and the other rotating around the inside of the room, temp running at 84-86, humidity 35, and for odour i...
  6. pjgaffney1

    My first grow Lowryder #1 (auto)

    Hi mate nice grow, been following it since the begining, just looking for a bit of advice how strong was the odour of your ladies when they were flowering?
  7. pjgaffney1

    Topping Big Bang

    Hi all, just hoping somebody could give me sum advice on toping Green House Seed Co. BiG BanG, does it respond well, and if so when is the best time to do it. Many Thanks.