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  1. T

    cloning a flowering plant question

    I had six plants. Only one flowered and I eventually realized the others weren't flowering because they were males :cry:. I've decided to keep one of the males so I can have some seeds for future grows. I also figured I'd make a couple clones from the already flowering female. The only nodes I...
  2. T

    MH vs. CFL question

    600w seems excessive for my 3.5' X 3' X 14" box. I'm sure you're right about more light being better, but heat is becoming an issue. I'll have to purchase some 2500k CFLs for flowering I guess.
  3. T

    Where Can I Find Them

    I'm not entirely sure what type of CFL fixture you're speaking of, but don't all fixtures have wires that any cord with a plug end can be attached to using wire nuts?
  4. T

    MH vs. CFL question

    "a 600w set up"? That is too vague for me to understand. I'm currently using a 4200 lumens 65w CFL and some low watt soft white fluorescent tube I found. With the hot summer weather, even that is causing 90+ temps. Even with more fans, MH is out of the question. I will be purchasing another...
  5. T

    MH vs. CFL question

    Well I ended up purchasing a CFL, but I still hope to get a response to my question.
  6. T

    MH vs. CFL question

    I am new to all of this, so my apologies if the answer to my question is obvious. I have begun growing 6 plants in a very small, but sufficient area. My lighting needs an upgrade now that the plants are nearing 1 ft. From what I've read it seems that metal halide is preferable to compact...