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  1. B

    Water cure first then make green dragon or tincture?

    yeah Ive seen that I may do that for the main batch this weekend
  2. B

    Water cure first then make green dragon or tincture?

    Ive looked at the butane extraction andd Im very tempted, if it wasnt so freaking cold outside(4 deg f) Id probably give it a shot, not exactly an indoor sport :)
  3. B

    Water cure first then make green dragon or tincture?

    yeah, I'll grind it then decarb it before extraction, just took the first bud Ive been water curing out after 5 days, water was much better today,wonder if I could justgo straight from the water into a 215F degree oven, to dry and decarb at the same time. I def wouldnt want to smoke it but for...
  4. B

    1st grow, bagseed/Iced G./Rocklock/Easyryder CFL(maybe CMH too)

    the main cola of the Coletrain is water curing along with a bud from the IcedG, started wednesday, today was the first day the water smelled to high heavenwhen I changed it... all the bud from today is in a 5 gal bucket water curing itself
  5. B

    1st grow, bagseed/Iced G./Rocklock/Easyryder CFL(maybe CMH too)

    I should dpoint out for those keeping score that the main cola of the Coletrain is water curing right now, was 3.5oz so about a 100 grams so coletrain was total (including popcorn for hash) 450 grams wet so could be 3 oz dried? probably around the same for the IcedG, considering the total...
  6. B

    1st grow, bagseed/Iced G./Rocklock/Easyryder CFL(maybe CMH too)

    heres what the IcedG looked like before chop heres what the rootball looked like, this waqs a 2 gal laundry basket from the dollar store lined with one layer of landscape fabric... as you can see, no root circling...that thing is solid root, its hard to even get a finger in there just one solid...
  7. B

    1st grow, bagseed/Iced G./Rocklock/Easyryder CFL(maybe CMH too)

    found a teeny bit of mold on the coletrain main cola so thats it, everything is getting chopped this weekend. Chopped the main cola of the coletrain, trimmed it up, about 3.5 oz wet, trimmed, dropped it in a jar of water. The IcedG in water, I changed the water after 24 hours... no noticable...
  8. B

    1st grow, bagseed/Iced G./Rocklock/Easyryder CFL(maybe CMH too)

    I'm guessing that dropping a fresh bud into the water will delay the process since plants are pretty hardy, up to a point... I expect the plant to keep on "growing" or at least metabolizing for a few more hours before it starts decomposing? thats not the right word is it?
  9. B

    Water cure first then make green dragon or tincture?

    ok, from another thread,yes heat to decarboxylate(after the water cure and before making the "Less than Green Dragon" :) I'm guessing that with a reasonable number of views and no comments that basically you agree with the premise that a water cure by leaching out most of the chlorophyll will...
  10. B

    1st grow, bagseed/Iced G./Rocklock/Easyryder CFL(maybe CMH too)

    thanks! The reason Im going wih an alcohol treatment as opposed to glycerin/butter is that you can concentrate it once in alcohol form, or more easily dilute it for that matter. I threw one big bud in a jar last night, weighted it down, plan on taking it out after 3 days, though 7 is the usual...
  11. B

    Water cure first then make green dragon or tincture?

    well, been reading on water curing and think thats what I will do this weekend (I will use fresh weed staright from the plant)with my Iced Grapefruit, coupla reasons being 1) I dont care what the smoke is like as generally we vape and Im lookn at tinctures 2) I figure a week in the water will...
  12. B

    1st grow, bagseed/Iced G./Rocklock/Easyryder CFL(maybe CMH too)

    PS: water cure is also supposed to be good for killing the smell, which, heretical as it may seem, I dont particularly care about, all I care about is effects , not whether its pleasant to partake of it, someday when its legal, well, thatd be a different story
  13. B

    1st grow, bagseed/Iced G./Rocklock/Easyryder CFL(maybe CMH too)

    well, been reading on water curing and think thats what I will do this weekend with the Iced G, coupla reasons being 1) I dont care what the smoke is like as generally we vape and Im lookn at tinctures also, I figure a week in the water will get rid of most of the nasty green stuff, then Ill...
  14. B

    Most efficient method to concentrate bud?

    ok, lets put it this way, how much fluid(glycerin or alcohol) is one oz of bud good to dilute in to get max concentration? is 8 oz enough? more? less?
  15. B

    Most efficient method to concentrate bud?

    well, thats what I was wondering, anarticle I read by dr jay says it takes much more as edible than as smoke...if i can find the link Ill post it...
  16. B

    Most efficient method to concentrate bud?

    sounds good but more interested in specific methods/recipes to get the most concentrated stuff
  17. B

    Most efficient method to concentrate bud?

    and that means hash, ticncture whatever... I've got a couple of plants that Id guess I'll get 2-4oz (total) from, though it could be twice that much, first grow... anyway, its mostly for my wife, and lately shes been having coughing problems even with the vaporizer so I'm looking for the most...
  18. B

    1st grow, bagseed/Iced G./Rocklock/Easyryder CFL(maybe CMH too)

    sunday pics, prob the last of the Iced G alive... Coletrain on left, IcedG on right: IcedG budshots: Coletrain Main: sidebuds: again, I say... I think Ill harvest the IcedG this week... picked one big bud for mold, early so I saved most of it, I just see more probs with mold so Ill watch it...
  19. B

    1st grow, bagseed/Iced G./Rocklock/Easyryder CFL(maybe CMH too)

    I'll get some pics up thisa weekend I've been taking mostly macro shots looking at ambericity... I've been thinking about why the pot seems to be of a lesser strebgth than I thought it would be 1) obviusly, being a newb,Im not waiting long enough 2) curing, I do have some of my bagseed side...
  20. B

    1st grow, bagseed/Iced G./Rocklock/Easyryder CFL(maybe CMH too)

    ahhh.... thats what I like to see, went home over lunch and checked on heat and humidity and gave the IcedG a going, the calyxes are swelling and hairs receding ... this is more like it... still a few days, def will let them go till friday at least...we'll keep checking on the mold...