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  1. E

    Kannabia Gnomo Auto - Day 90 - 65% Clear, 25% Cloudy, 10% Amber Trichomes

    not done yet, flush 1 week. dried it on a radiator omg yuck.
  2. E

    Complete amature...Check out my setup+need help (yellowing leaves)

    use some forbid 4f on those since they are in veg. Then use it again in a week. That will kill your mites. Also, get a good 20-20-20 fertilizer with micro nutes (Like peters). It will help your ph and other nute issues I see. Keep it simple.
  3. E

    How's my setup? (Pictures)

    try it and see. only way to really know.
  4. E

    Shittiest Job U Ever Had?.

    substitute teacher. worst, just remember how you treated subs in school.
  5. E

    Intelligent life forms reveal themselves to our rock....whaddya' think would happen?

    What happened to the indigenous people of north america when europeans came? Or south america? Or africa? Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.
  6. E

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    anyone use spinosad for these fuckers?
  7. E

    MrNice Seed Bank

    mrnice is good.
  8. E

    DIY Modular LED-Light

    Looks really great! Nice project
  9. E

    Powder mildew on Mothers!!!!!!

    Eagle20 works to kill the PM that lives inside the plants. I have had good luck with it. You can also use a sulpher burner to kill PM on your mothers. I have heard people burning sulpher on a schedule all the way through flower to keep PM away. You can't do it inside your house though as it will...