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  1. helotr3vor

    ~ 2nd Grow G-13 and Sour Diesel 30 plants 2 mothers ~

    New grow: New name: TheYuppies
  2. helotr3vor

    ~ 2nd Grow G-13 and Sour Diesel 30 plants 2 mothers ~

    The room is now 80-85 degrees with the oscillating fans off and lights at full. The room feels more ventilated just standing in it.
  3. helotr3vor

    ~ 2nd Grow G-13 and Sour Diesel 30 plants 2 mothers ~

    Thanks much Spark also got a few new things at te hydro store so we will be ready to get goin by monday at the latest. I'll be posting the new thread probably around then as soon as the clones get delivered
  4. helotr3vor

    1BMM's CAVE....

    Well done my friend! That top layer almost looks a little pink :weed:... Anyways whats your technique for making butter?
  5. helotr3vor

    ~ 2nd Grow G-13 and Sour Diesel 30 plants 2 mothers ~

    Alright well this is an interesting update because I have already harvested... Haha sorry I havent updated in such a long time but I kinda gave up hope on this Sour D. and G 13 grow as it was looking worse day by day. I let me dad take over and finish the whole process as I taught him what to...
  6. helotr3vor

    I need a quick answer about transplanting...Please help..

    Right after you transplant I recommend about 10 hours in darkness. This helps relieve the stress
  7. helotr3vor

    Quick Couple Hydro(Ebb n. Flow) Qustions

    Is there any other opinions?
  8. helotr3vor

    Quick Couple Hydro(Ebb n. Flow) Qustions

    Yeah one of the major issues I ran into this last grow was the roots. I had small pots throughout the flowering process.. which I should have transplanted to bigger pots once i put them in the budding room. And there was too much light hitting the roots that would come out the bottom of the pots...
  9. helotr3vor

    Quick Couple Hydro(Ebb n. Flow) Qustions

    Thanks shnkrmn! I think ill be cleaning them in a large trash can like you said. And im going to try the iso alch on all the walls and surface to see how that works for disinfecting the room. As for the flood trays yeah ill probably only use a little bleach if needed. My hydroponic shop...
  10. helotr3vor

    Quick Couple Hydro(Ebb n. Flow) Qustions

    Alright so my grow area is split up between a grow room with two flood trays and two reservoirs (soon to be 3 and 3) with 3 HID 600's above them. My other room is the vegroom and uses 2 flood trays powered by one reservoir under t5 fixtures. Both rooms add up to around 15sq ft. Now my...
  11. helotr3vor

    1BMM's CAVE....

    Hey I was wondering how you made or how to to make a cloner box like yours?
  12. helotr3vor

    1BMM's CAVE....

    Just read the first 10 pages will be reading much more. Subbed and +rep I love your setup. Ive got the ebb n flow hydro setup for budding as well as vegging. One thing I have to master is cloning and mothers. I have about 80% successful cloning but haven't really gotten the grip on getting...
  13. helotr3vor

    ~ 2nd Grow G-13 and Sour Diesel 30 plants 2 mothers ~

    I think that might be what I used to seal off the vegroom... with the zippers on it. that sounds like a good plan but might be difficult to execute. I think im going to experiment with it next grow because I think it would just be a pain doing it now and I don't even have to right pots yet. The...
  14. helotr3vor

    Doggies Nuts G-13 Haze

    Fucking amazing with my g-13 looked even close to yours. What training did you do on them early on to get so bushy? Some of mine stretched :/
  15. helotr3vor

    ~ 2nd Grow G-13 and Sour Diesel 30 plants 2 mothers ~

    Thanks allot cowboy +rep. Yeah I definitely think the trays might be a little to warm and they do get allot of light. The room has been at about 90F because of my ducting and ventilation is messed up at the moment. Unfortunately I cant fix all that till after this harvest... so im going to have...
  16. helotr3vor

    Doggies Nuts G-13 Haze

    thanks man they sure did. any chance you can check out my grow log in my sig ive ran into a few problems only have one regular helping me out. thanks bud
  17. helotr3vor

    ~ 2nd Grow G-13 and Sour Diesel 30 plants 2 mothers ~

    Ebb and Flow is flood trays with reservoirs below them that fill and drain the flood trays at set intervals. (at least how I have mine) Yes the light does penetrate the roots that shoot threw the pots and I think thats my main problem. The area where there is algae there is some sitting water...
  18. helotr3vor

    ~ 2nd Grow G-13 and Sour Diesel 30 plants 2 mothers ~

    Gracias amigo! Yeah I find it odd as well but I have also learned a shitload more than when I first started my grow logs. So they might have not been in so much depth or detail before or in the beginning. Now that I know more of what im saying I can describe it better in detail. Thats a good...
  19. helotr3vor

    ~ 2nd Grow G-13 and Sour Diesel 30 plants 2 mothers ~

    Alright so first off sorry it took me so long to update but I haven't necessarily been encouraged by people chiming in and letting me know what they think. As of now the plants are 4 weeks in budding. I have ran threw some speed bumps in the way... I have a small algae problem in the right flood...
  20. helotr3vor

    Doggies Nuts G-13 Haze

    just had to come back to smile about the performance last night :)