Search results

  1. Sassy Smoker

    **Humate Supreme Organic Tablets Made For Cannabis**

    Fist of all stonemetallhead.... I'm a single mother (which means woman the last time I looked) with 3 teen boys and I could care less that you or anyone else buys this product I just simply answered a question. I don't do alot of bloging but more watching and listening because of people like you...
  2. Sassy Smoker

    **Humate Supreme Organic Tablets Made For Cannabis**

    What Commercial...
  3. Sassy Smoker

    **Humate Supreme Organic Tablets Made For Cannabis**

    Hey peps..... I've used some of the humate supreme products. I seen their ad in High Times a few months back and thought I'd give them a try. I went on line to ther web page and at the time they had free samples available...(don't know if they still have samples on line) so I tried some on one...