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  1. Novie

    freddiemoney's Ontario Outdoor '10

    Nice to see some in another part of Canada this year. My tallest is 7 feet and shortest about 3 feet. It's been an incredible growing season here in Nova Scotia. Some rain every three or four days, hot and muggy throughout...fuck I started a lot of them May 24...we had no late frost...
  2. Novie

    think i should attempt it?

    And here I am all fucking paranoid most days miles in the Canadian back country, trip lines and goddamn hunting cams...fuck, I need to chill. Novie CANADA
  3. Novie

    My plants are dying!

    lol...that's funny. Anyway, ya I find that fine mesh netting is handy and I regularly use sheep shit as a topper around my outdoor plants...I find the water goes through and then gets trapped around the sand layer...this gives it time to soak in. I know what you mean though. Some of my...
  4. Novie

    HELPP Brown spots on leaves!!

    At this age they don't need that...none of it...just good soil and close attention. But don't take it from me, I grow organic and find such mauling at an early age next to sexual abuse. No offense. I make a good income, so someone else fingering their plants doesn't matter much to
  5. Novie

    HELPP Brown spots on leaves!!

    I wouldn't do anything yet...I go through at least 200 plants a year and I can say that some can have some pretty funky shit going on at first but they grow out of it, become healthy girls and I never know what ailed them. This here I'm not sure of but if there's no bugs, lights are good, etc...
  6. Novie

    Bugs infesting stems

    Nasty...never seen this...where do you live, generally like south US, north, west, east etc...never seen this in British Columbia, Canada or in Nova Scotia where I am now. Novie CANADA
  7. Novie

    PLEASE POST Organic Pest Control Ideas.

    The bud tastes like it's supposed shit. I grow exclusively organic and I tell you know, for me there is no other way. Novie CANADA
  8. Novie

    my first spider mites ...

    Good luck. Novie CANADA
  9. Novie

    germinate first?

    Jah Bless. Novie CANADA
  10. Novie

    temp in room is 30'C !!!!

    best to get some fresh air in there if you can...not sure what you are planning but if you are keeping them inside, gonna need to work in some in and out air. Novie CANADA
  11. Novie

    germinate first?

    all good's just what I prefer and I go with what works for me. I find that germinating a few hundred at a time helps sort out the bad ones as it shows a lot on the comparison side. So for me, it's less energy...and ya, never let that paper towel dry out! I've wasted many fields...
  12. Novie

    germinate first?

    I'd germinate. Novie CANADA
  13. Novie

    temp in room is 30'C !!!!

    I think 30 is ok...during the early part of the summer here the temp in my greenhouse ranges from 14+ at night to a good 35 to 40 during the day...I just keep them well watered ( not in the morning, always at night ) and ventilated. Never a problem. Novie CANADA
  14. Novie

    my first spider mites ...

    well if you are that far into flowering I would buy ladybugs or predator mites...keep the plant as moist as possible...mites love it dry (of course that cause other problems)...spray in a fine mist bottle a water / garlic mash combo maybe and hope for the best! yeeehhhaaaaw Novie CANADA
  15. Novie

    1st week grow problem

    I have had great success with starting seedlings up to the age of 2 weeks at least, under a florescent light. You might wanna try that and bring the light right down on them. I find the seedling to be bushier and stronger than when I grow them on my sill or outdoors or even in the green house...
  16. Novie

    Making a normal plant into lowryder

    This is a question I'd only know about due to a horrible miscalculation in my grow room last winter. The plants were about a foot high and the stoner I am...I accidentally plugged the heating unit into the "un-timed" plug. So the heat kept cranking during my night cycle...which is day on the...
  17. Novie

    Anybody on here own a nursery?

    Clones here 6 bucks a pop...but not like I'd know.
  18. Novie

    Really Bright Green Leaves is this normal??

    holy shit man, leave them be...I find it's hard to tell anything until they are quite a bit bigger than that....lots of light, good soil, nice windage and go smoke a fat chronic sack, wait two weeks and then call me in the morning. Novie CANADA
  19. Novie

    1st week grow problem

    I plant into small compostable pots...the ones that wither away when you immerse the small pot into a bigger pot full of earth. (therefore eliminating a transplant persay) I grow many and then pick out the ones that look most promising. I plant them directly (meaning still in the small...
  20. Novie

    Leaves turning silvery color! Any advice appreciated.

    UPDATE: plants have fully recovered...some are the best plants I've seen in awhile. The problem was definitely sun people, if you bring your plants from the indoors to the outdoors, be sure to let them adjust properly.